
Master Index


The following is an index which includes the following references:

JRH95 =  The Fraser Highlanders by J.Ralph Harper, The Stewart Museum 1995

RL 1763 = The Dec 1763 Rations list, the only list known of members, found in Public Records Office, London. Note all "Mac" have been changed to "Mc" since these would have been interchangeable at the time.

For further genealogical research go to:


 Abercrombie see Abercromby

Abercrombie, James, Major; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

Abercromby, James, General; JRH95 replaces Lord Loudoun as Commander in Chief of North American forces, 41; leads expedition against Ticonderoga, 1758, 59; 78th Fraser Highlanders sent as reinforcements for, 1758, 59; letter to Sir William Johnson about Indian troops, 60; on Hugh Gaines' list, 1760, 125; land grant to, 126

Abercromby, James; JRH95 First Major, land grant to, island of St. John, 127

Abertarff   see   Fraser, Archibald Campbell, the Hon. (Colonel)

Aix-la-chapelle, Treaty of; JRH95 1745, Louisbourg returned to France by, 47; significance of, to British, 47

Allanby, William; JRH95  Captain, land grant to, Island of St. John, 129

Allen, Benjamin, Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company; JRH95 Cpl. Disbanded in Canada, 124

Allen, Ethan; JRH95 unauthorized capture of Fort Ticonderoga, 133; consequence of, 133, marches to Montreal, 133; disastrous attempt on city, 134; surrenders, sent to England as prisoner, 134

American Revolution; JRH95 Background to, 132; expedition seeking support of habitants for, 133

Amherst, Jeffrey, Major-General; JRH95 Commander-in-Chief in North America, 41; expedition to Louisbourg, 1758, 47; assembles army at Halifax 1758, 47; joins Boscawen on flagship NAMUR, 48; orders 14th company of Fraser Highlanders to Quebec City Sept. 4, 1759, 58; orders reinforcements to Abercromby at Ticonderoga, 59; offers disgraced Fraser drummer employment as personal servant, 63; Pitt's campaign plan for, to capture Canada, 74; plan for capture of Montreal, 110; arrival of, at Montreal, awaited by Murray, 112; loses cannon in Lachine Rapids, 113; cannon now at Montreal Military and Maritime Museum, 113; edits articles of capitulation proposed by the French; Montreal falls to the British, 113; appoints General Murray as Governor of Canada, 116.

Amherst, William, Colonel, ordered to raise force to clear France out of Newfoundland, 1762, 121

Amherst's Regiment see Fifteenth Regiment of Foot

Ammunition, number of rounds per man to be carried in expedition against Quebec, 70-73

Anderson, Andrew Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

Anderson, Douglas N.:  requests info. on John Trumbell, boatman,Manitoba Contingent Nile Expedition 1884-85;  Anderson's military ass'n. with 71st McLeod's Reg't. L76-10-30 (Anderson);  sends sketch for 2nd ed. F.H. L76-11-18 (Anderson);  JRH sends info. requested Nile Expedition; suggests Manitoba Archives for Trumbell info. L77-01-18 (Harper)

Anderson, Gilbert Sgt; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company; JRH95  disbanded in Canada, 123

Anderson, William James, Dr. (of Grande Allée, Qué., Pres. of the Lit. & Hist. Soc. of Qué, 1872, xii; history of events at Que., 1759, xii

Anderson, William Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

Anderson, William Pte.; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

Anderson,. John Pte; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company; JRK95 disbanded in Canada, 123

Anecdotes:  uniform - shoes L64-08-28 (Stewart);  uniform - plaid (kilt) L64-10-18 (Clendenin);  "Battle of the Shirts" L65-02-12 (O'Brien);  Scaling Heights of  Abraham L66-08-15 (Hutchison);  sentry at Ticonderoga L73-03-10  (Mackay); Gaelic-speaking Highlanders WWI L75-02-14 (Mackay); responsibility of Colonels for arms and accoutrements L75-04-21 (Chartrand);  McNeil of Barra and Noah's Ark L75-05-19 (Steele);  liquor ban includes "Spruce Beare" L78-04-26 (Forbes); Simon "The Fox" L79-11-18 (Lady Saltoun);  Sir George Simpson and personal piper L83-07-28 (McLeod)

Animation unit proposal   see   Seventy-Eighth Regiment of Foot (Fraser Highlanders)

Anstruther's Regiment see Fifty- eighth Regiment of Foot, (Anstruther's reg't.)

Armourer's  Mark:  as indication of rarity L73-03-10 (Mackay)

Army List 1758    see   Rolls, Regimental

Arnold, Benedict; JRH95 invasion of Canada by, 1775, 133, 134; evades British and attains Plains of Abraham, 134; humiliated by British, 134, 135; wounded in assault on Quebec, 135; resumes siege, 136; flees with American troops, 136; reference to, 154

Arnoux, [André], Dr. (surgeon); JRH95 Montcalm's death in house of, 92

Artefacts, Sources of:  Thompson's dirk, masonic apron and jewel L64--01-20 (Milborne);  Malcolm Fraser's sword L64-01-22 (Fraser-Lizotte);  Capt. John Fraser's Town Major's List and his crest;  source of dress and service épaulettes L64-01-27 (Fraser, Constance);   source for artefacts L64-02-03 (Warren);  oil painting of Andrew Fraser, his passport and regimental pavillon L64-04-17 (Pouliot);  at Fort Ticonderoga Archibald Campbell's commission, 1755 broadsword, Highland dirk, wooden quaich, Bland's Military Discipline,1731       L66-02-11 (Lape);  owner of artefacts on loan to Fort Ti also has Brown Bess musket 1756 pattern L67-08-12 (Maclennan);  early prints, Highland bonnet, dirk, rams'             horn and other pistols  L73-04-02 (Mackay);  Doune pistol L75-04-03 (Mackay); Thompson artefacts may be at War Office L75-04-21 (Chartrand);  Fraser papers L75-06-28 (Porter);  at MMMM Malcolm Fraser artefacts from Mme. Fraser-Lizotte L76-09-14 (Harper);  Thompson broadsword at Canadian War Museum L77-10-08  (Malott);  Nairne Family relics held by Mrs. Grey L79-05-28 (Harpe);  Nairne dirk on loan to MMMM L83-09-21 (Harper)

Babbidge, James, (78th); JRH95  land grant to, 128

Badelard, [Philippe Louis François], Dr, captive French prisoner, treats John Fraser's wounds, 105

Badges of rank see equipment (78th)

Bagpipes see equipment (78th)

Baillie, Charles, Captain, (78th); JRH95 cousin of Sgt.Thompson, xi, xii; 18;   commissioned captain 1757, 16; encounter with Sgt. Thompson in Cork, 39; on official return, 45; killed at Louisbourg June 1758, 49

Baillie, David, Lieut. (78th); JRH95 on Hugh Gaine's List, 126; land grant to, 126

Baillie, David, Lieut.(78th); JRH95 commissioned, 68; killed at Louisbourg, 57; 68 

Bain, William, Ensign; JRH95  (71st-2nd Bn.) (71st-1st Bn.), commissioned, 142

Baine, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

Baine, Roderick Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

Baird, (Sir) James, of Saughtonhall; JRH95 Capt. (71st-1st Bn.), 141; leads corp at Savannah, Ga., 143

Ballinagage, Sergeant; JRH95 plays pranks  on Sgt.Thompson, Sinclair, Leith and Sutherland, 120

Balnevis, Archibald, Lieut. (71st-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned Lieut., 142

Barré, [Isaac] Major; JRH95 serves Wolfe as Adjutant General, 70

Barres see des Barres

Battle Hose   see   Uniform, Highland - Cath-dath - Battle Colour

Battle of Quebec:  JRH advises Graham Fraser of The Gazette of error in banner for anniversary of Battle L79-08-18 (Harper);  Remington painting of, L82-08-18 (Bolton);  Remington painting of, L82-08-31 (Dillenbeck); Remington painting of, L82-11-08 (Bolton);  McNaughton painting of, L96-04-01 (Bolton) Bougainville letter to Min. of Marine:   source of, L73-01-26 (Pinard)

Beaton, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

Beaton, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

Beaton, Niel Pte.; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

Bell, [Thomas], Captain; JRH95 serves Wolfe as aide-de-camp, 70

Belt see uniform (78th)

Bentyal, Lieut.; JRH95engineer for Wolfe  at Quebec, 70

Bethune, John, Chaplain (84th R.H.E.- 1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned June 14, 1775,  105

Black, Donald Drummer; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

Black, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

Black, Evan Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company; JRH95  Disbanded in Canada, 124

Black, James Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

Blackburn, Donald, (78th); JRH95 marries French-Canadian after disbandment, 123

Blair, Hugh. Chaplain (71st-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 142

Bonnets see uniform (78th)

Boscawen [Edward] Admiral; JRH95 commands Naval Forces in North America, 41, 57; role in victory at Louisbourg, 46n; assembles fleet at Halifax for Louisbourg capture, 47; urges postponement of attack on Quebec, 57; nickname "Old Dreadnaught", 57; returns to England for winter, 1758, 58

Bougainville, [Louis Antoine] De; JRH95 Letter to French Minister of Marine Jan. 7, 1759 requesting rations, cannons, and Scottish troops to  fight British, 66; army forced to retreat at Sillery, 92; French army under, controls much of Canada after Quebec capitulation, 98; troops defeated by Haviland en route to Montreal, 113; aids Vaudreuil in drafting terms of Montreal capitulation, 98; delivers document to Amherst, 113

Bourlamaque, [François Charles] De; JRH95 with French troops follows Murray up the St.Lawrence towards Montreal, 112; aids Vaudreuil in drafting terms of  capitulation of Montreal, 113

Boyd, George F., Surgeon (84th R.H.E. 2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned May 8, 1776, 156

Bradstreet, [John], Colonel; JRH95 opinion of Indian troops, 60;

Bragg's Regiment see Twenty-eighth Reg't. of Foot

Breachan (belted plaid) see uniform (78th)

British Troops on the Plains of Abraham. Painting  by Remington  see  Battle of Quebec

Broadswords see equipment (78th)

Brown bess musket see equipment (78TH)

Brown, Niel Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

Browne, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

Browne, William Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

Bruce, William Corporal; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company; JRH95 Drummer  Disbanded in Canada, 124

Buchanan, Arch. Pte. ; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

Buchanan, David Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

Buchanan, Isabel Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

Buchanan, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

Burgogne, [John], General; JRH95 arrives at Quebec with reinforcements for Carleton, 1776, 136

Burke, Angus Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

Burke, Donald Drummer; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

Burke, Donald Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

Burnett, Ensign Charles; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company; JRH95  on Hugh Gaine's list, 126; land grant to, 128

Burton, [Ralph], Colonel (48th); JRH95 orders from Abercromby to, 60; Wolfe's final orders to, 92; money loans secured by, together with Murray, 98 

Butler, Thomas, Captain; JRH95 at Fort Stanwix Dec. 1758, 64-65; letter to Sir William Johnson advising of French preparations, 64-66

Buttons see uniform (78th)

Byron, [John], Captain; JRH95 commands demolition of fortification at Louisbourg, 107

Caddis   see   Uniform (General)

Cairns, David, Lieut. (84th R.H.E.- 1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned July 16, 1776, 155

Calder, Andrew Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

Caldwell, Henry, Captain; JRH95 serves under Wolfe at Quebec as Ass't. to Quarter-Master General, 70

Caman, Andrew Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

Cameron,  Alexander Pte; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

Cameron, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

Cameron, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

Cameron, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

Cameron, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

Cameron, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

Cameron, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

Cameron, Alexander Sergeant; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

Cameron, Alexander, Captain, (78th); JRH95 commands at Lorette, Mar.1760, 101; on Hugh Gaine's List, 123

Cameron, Alexander, of Dungallon, Major (78th); JRH95 commissioned, 67

Cameron, Allan (78th); JRH95 Land grant to,  128

Cameron, Allan Corporal; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

Cameron, Allan Sergeant; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

Cameron, Allan, Corporal (78th); JRH95 land grant to, 128

Cameron, Allan, Lieut.(78th); JRH95 land grant to, 128

Cameron, Allan, Sgt. (78th); JRH95 (Capt. Cameron's Company) in action near Montmorency 83; saves life of Lieut. Peyton of Royal American Bn., 83; disbanded in Canada, 123

Cameron, Angus Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

Cameron, Angus Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

Cameron, Angus Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company; JRH 95 (Captain John Campbell's Company),   disbanded in Canada, 129

Cameron, Charles, Captain, (71st-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 142; killed at Savannah, 1779, 142, 143

Cameron, Charles, of  Lochiel, Captain, (71st-1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned,  141, died, 1776, 141, 143

Cameron, David (78th); JRH95 Disbanded in Canada, 1763, 122, ; marries French -Canadian, 122

Cameron, Donald (78th); JRH95 land grant to, 128

Cameron, Donald Lieut; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

Cameron, Donald Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Alexander Wood's Company

Cameron, Donald Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

Cameron, Donald Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

Cameron, Donald Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

Cameron, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

Cameron, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

Cameron, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

Cameron, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

Cameron, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

Cameron, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

Cameron, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

Cameron, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

Cameron, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

Cameron, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Colonel's Company          

Cameron, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

Cameron, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

Cameron, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

Cameron, Donald, Adjutant, (71st-lst Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 142

Cameron, Donald, Ensign, (71st.-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 142

Cameron, Donald, Son of Fassifern, Lieut. (78th); JRH95 commissioned Lieut. Apr. 22, 1759; on Hugh Gaine's list, 126

Cameron, Donald, Surgeon's Mate, (84th R.H.E. 2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned Oct. 25, 1776, 156

Cameron, Duncan Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

Cameron, Duncan Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company; JRH95  Disbanded in Canada, 124

Cameron, Duncan, Ensign, 78th; JRH95 wounded at St. Foy, 105

Cameron, Duncan, Lieut. (78th); JRH95 on Hugh Gaine's list, 126

Cameron, Enan, Ensign, (78th); JRH95 commissioned, 1757, 17

Cameron, Evan Corporal; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company; JRH95 Disbanded in Canada, 123

Cameron, Evan Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

Cameron, Evan Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

Cameron, Evan Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

Cameron, Evan Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

Cameron, Evan Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

Cameron, Evan, soldier (78th), (Major John Campbell's Company), Disbanded in Canada, 124; land grant to, 128

Cameron, Ewen, of Glenevis, Lieutenant, (78th); JRH95 commissioned, 68; wounded at Montmorency, 82

Cameron, Hector Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

Cameron, Hugh Captain ; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company; JRH95 on Hugh Gaine's list, 126; land grant to, 127;  commissioned Lieut. 1757, 67

Cameron, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company

Cameron, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

Cameron, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

Cameron, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

Cameron, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

Cameron, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

Cameron, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

Cameron, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

Cameron, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

Cameron, John Pte.; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

Cameron, Kenneth Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

Cameron, Malcolm Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

Cameron, Murdoch Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company; JRH95  Disbanded in Canada, 124

Cameron, Murdoch Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

Cameron, Thomas Pte.; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

Cameron, William Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

Cameron, William Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

Cameron, William Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

Cameron, William Pte.; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

Cameron, William Pte.; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

Cameron, William Pte.; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

Campbel, Thomas Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

Campbell Angus, Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

Campbell, Alex. Ensign, (78th); JRH95 on Hugh Gaine's list, 126

Campbell, Alexander (78th), land  grant to, 128

Campbell, Alexander Captain; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company; JRH95 on Hugh Gaine's list, 126; land grant to, 127

Campbell, Alexander Ensign; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

Campbell, Alexander of Aross, Lieut., (78th), commissioned, 67; wounded at Ste. Foy, 105

Campbell, Alexander of Barcaldine, Lieut. (78th), wounded at Louisbourg 1758, 57

Campbell, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company

Campbell, Archibald, Adjutant (71st-2nd Bn.; JRH95 commissioned, 142

Campbell, Archibald, Captain (78th; JRH95  on Hugh Gaine's list, 126; land grant to, 129

Campbell, Archibald, Captain, (71st- 2nd Bn.; JRH95 supported by 60th Grenadiers routs d'Estaing's forces, 146

Campbell, Archibald, Ensign (71st- 2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 142

Campbell, Archibald, Lieut. (71st-  2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 142; killed in action, 146

Campbell, Archibald, Lieut.-Col. Com. (71st-2nd Bn.); JRH95 helps Lieut. Gen'l.  Simon Fraser raise 71st Fraser Highlanders for service in North America, 1776, 137; forced to surrender to American rebels as ship grounded on arrival in Boston Harbor, 139, 140; commissioned Lieut.-Col., commands 71st Reg't. 2nd Bn., 142; leads successful expedition to Savannah, Ga.1777, 143; establishes position at Augusta, Ga., 143, 144; returns to England on leave of absence, 144

Campbell, Archibald, Son of Glenlyon, Lieut. (78th); JRH95 commissioned, 17, 67; wounded at Ste.Foy, 105

Campbell, Captain Archibald; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

Campbell, Charles, Captain (71st); JRH95 commands Highlanders at Camden, South Carolina, 147, 148; action of Highlanders critical in success, 148; leads Highlanders in action near Charleston, 148; killed in action, 149

Campbell, Charles, Lieut. (71st-1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 141

Campbell, Colin Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

Campbell, Colin, Capt. (84th R.H.E. 1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned June, 1775, 155

Campbell, Colin, of Glendaruel, Capt.; JRH95 leads stubbornly courageous Highlanders in action against Americans, near Stone Ferry, 145

Campbell, Daniel Sergeant; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

Campbell, David Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

Campbell, David, Quarter-Master (71st-1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 142

Campbell, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

Campbell, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

Campbell, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

Campbell, Donald, Sgt. (78th), (Capt. John McDonell's Company); JRH95 Disbanded in Canada, 124

Campbell, Dougald Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

Campbell, Dougald, Lieut. (71st-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 142

Campbell, Dougald, Lieut.(71st-1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 142

Campbell, Duncan Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

Campbell, Duncan Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company; JRH95 Disbanded in Canada, 123

Campbell, Duncan Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

Campbell, Duncan Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

Campbell, Finlay Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

Campbell, Hugh, Lieut. (71st-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 142;  (71st) wounded in action, 148

Campbell, James Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Compan; JRH95  Disbanded in Canada, 124

Campbell, John Corporal; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

Campbell, John Corporal; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

Campbell, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

Campbell, John Sergeant; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

Campbell, John, Capt. (78th), commands company, 42

Campbell, John, Capt. (Royal Navy), Land grant to, Island of St.John, 129

Campbell, John, Captain, son of Lord Stonefield, (71st-1st Bn.), commissioned, 141

Campbell, John, Corporal, (Capt. Archibald Campbell's Company), disbanded in Canada, 125

Campbell, John, Ensign; JRH95 (78th), commissioned, 68;  Lieut. , on Hugh Gaine's list, 126

Campbell, John, of Ballimore, Major, (78th), commissioned captain, 1757, 16; commissioned major, 67; on official list, 45; assumes command of 78th Fraser Highlanders on departure of Colonel Simon Fraser, 121; on Hugh Gaine's list, 129; land grand to, island of St. John, 129

Campbell, John, of Dunoon, Capt., (78th), commissioned 1757, 16; company commander, 42; commands 78th Fraser Highlanders at Battle of Quebec, 88; gives order to fire on French at Battle of Quebec, 89; wounded at Ste.Foy, 105

Campbell, John. Lieut., (71st-2nd Bn.), commissioned, 142

Campbell, Mary Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

Campbell, Miles, Soldier (78th), (Capt. Ranald McDonell's Company), Disbanded in Canada, 124

Campbell, Patrick (Major):  portrait, sketch of, by Lawson L64-07-30 (Lawson)

Campbell, Patrick, Captain (71st-2nd Bn.), commissioned, 142

Campbell, Patrick, Lieut. (71st-2nd Bn.), commissioned, 142

Campbell, Peter Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company; JRH95  Disbanded in Canada, 125

Campbell, Robert Law, Captain, (71st-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 142

Campbell, Robert, Ensign, (71st-1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 142

Campbell, Robert, Lieut. (84th R.H.E. 2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned 1775, 156

Campbell, Smollet, Ensign, (71st-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 142

Campbell, William Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

Campbell, William Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

Canadian Scottish Regiments film:  progress report on, requested L77-05-18 (Patterson)

Capitulation of Quebec, Articles of; JRH95 95-97

Cardin, Captain; JRH95 commands company of light infantry in expedition against Quebec, 71

Carleton, Guy, Brigadier; JRH95 as Quarter Master General, 51; serves under Wolfe at Quebec, 70; gives order for firing at Battle of Quebec, 89; land grant to, island of St. John, 129; prepares defence of Montreal against American revolutionaries, 133; leaves Montreal for Quebec City, 134; brings reinforcements to Quebec, 135; resists siege continued by Arnold, 136; orders private burial of Montgomery killed in assault, 135; successfully resists confrontation with Arnold, 136

Carmichael, James Corporal; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company; JRH95 Sgt  disbanded in Canada, 123

Carmichael, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company; JRH95  Disbanded in Canada, 124

Carmichael, Miles Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

Cartouche boxes see cartridge boxes

Cartridge boxes see equipment (78th) - Cartridge Boxes

Cathcart, Lord (General):  owner of Chester Murray Cathcart correspondence.  DMS interested in those relating to Ile Ste. Hélène and Prov. of Quebec L76-09-02 (Harper); JRH offered copy of summary of papers L76-09-24 (Cathcart)

Cath-dath "Battle Colour"   see   Uniform (General)

Cavanagh, James Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

Chaldwell, see Caldwell

Chateau Ramezay; JRH95 Headquarters for General Montgomery after capture of Montreal, 1775, 134

Chatham, William Pitt, lst Earl of see Pitt, William

Chisholm, Colin, Surgeon, (71st-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 142

Chisholm, Duncan, of Chisholm, Captain, (71st-1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 141

Chisholm, John Lieut; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company; JRH95 Ensign,  commissioned Ensign 1757, 68, wounded at Ste. Foy, 105; on Hugh Gaine's list, 126

Chisholm, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

Chisholm, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

Chisholm, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

Chisholm, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

Chisholm, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company; JRH95  disbanded in Canada, 124; land grant to, 128

Chisholm, John, Private (78th); JRH95 (Captain Cameron's Company), Disbanded in Canada, 123

Chisholm, Kenneth Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

Chisholm, William Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

Chisholm, William Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

Chisholm, William Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

Christie, James, Lieut. (71st-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 142

Clan Fraser see Fraser Clan also Fraser Of Lovat Clan

Clan Fraser Society of North America. Tome River, N.J.:  Simpson discusses formation of, in U.S.A. L77-02-01 (Simpson);  JRH declines invitation to join since he is not a Fraser L77-02-23 (Harper);  advises Simpson that 2nd ed. Fraser Highlanders to replace "The Fighting Frasers" which is still available L77-06-09 (Bolton)

Clarke,  Sergeant John; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company; JRH95  Disbanded in Canada, 125

Clarke, Pte. Donald; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

Clarke, Pte. John; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

Clarke, Pte. John; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

Clendenin, P.D. (Lt.-Col.)  Daughter Janet advises death of Col. Clendenin Feb.7,1985 L85-04-30 (Clendenin);  letter of regret sent to Janet Clendenin L85-08-15 (Bolton)

Clendenin, P.D. Lieut.-Colonel (Royal United Services Institution); JRH95 disputes Sgt. Thompson's description of feathers worn by Fraser Highlanders, 20, 21; opinion of the uniform of the 78th Fraser Highlanders, 32

Clephane, James, Major, (78th); JRH95 commissioned 1757, 16; company commander, 42; on official return Nov.26, 1757, 45, 65, 67; commands detachment of Frasers at Fort Stanwix Oct.1758-April 1759, 61

Clinton, (Sir) Henry, Colonel, (84th R.H.E. 1st Bn.); JRH95 Charleston surrendered to, May 12, 1780, 147; appointed Colonel of 84th R.H.E. December 1778;

Clothing warrants   see   Warrants

Clothing, Regimental:  responsibility for, discussed in detail, paid for by colonels of regiments;  limits of info. about by War Office until inspection returns L76-11-22 (Harper, R.W.E.)

Cold, suffering of; JRH95 by Fraser Highlanders in Quebec from January 1760, 102

Colours (British); JRH95 ordered hoisted by General Murray on arrival of the relief ship LOWESTOFF May 9, 1760, 108; first time colours hoisted since British conquest, 108

Colours, Regimental (78th Reg't.):  at St. Andrews  Church, Quebec City L64-05-21 (Stewart);  used to determine colour of 78th Reg't. facings L64-09-10 (Stewart) interest in colour of 1812-15 period L64-09-21 (Stewart);  assistance with colours requested L64-10-08 (Lawson);  motto on 78th colours;  confirms buff facings for colours L66-08-08 (Clendenin);  memo to Bolton re modifications to second colour L77-03-16 (Harper);  thanks Geoffrey Burn for sketch of proposed regimental colours, questions colours of regimental facings L79-08-16 (Harper);  sends research notes on regimental colours to Maj. Breithaupt C.O Fort York Garrison and  regulations for parading them ;  describes in detail King's Colour and  position of cipher L83-01-18 (Harper); JRH95 First Colour "The King's", 20, 21; Second Colour, 21, 22; at St.Andrew's Church, Quebec City, 22; errors in, 22; size of, 22; cords and tassels, colours of, 22; pike, length of, 22; spear, 22; ferrule, 22

Colours, Regimental (78th Reg't. Re-raised Fraser Highlanders) ; JRH95Second Colour, 22

Colquhoun, Lodovick, Lieut. (71st-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 142

Colville, Lord [Alexander], Commodore, commander of Northumberland, 107; commands "B" Squadron to prevent French from entering the St.Lawrence River, 107; orders issued July 18, 1760 result in raising of siege, 109:  offer of copy of Colville's Orders L72-11-23 (Mackay);  sends copy  of L72--12-15 (Mackay);  receipt acknowledged L73-01-03 (Harper);  hopes Orders included in 2nd ed. F.H.  L74-11-14 (Mackay);  reference to use in 2nd ed.L74-12-09 (Harper);  Abertarff's ownership of Orders L75-03-20 (Mackay)

Compagnies Franches de la Marine;  asks participation of, at Gala  L71-03-03 Galloway

Convoy See Ships

Cormack, Pte. Alexander; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company; JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 125

Cornwallis, Lord [Charles]; JRH95 assumes command of southern provinces for British, 1780, 147; success of attack at Camden, S.C., 147, 148; forces repulse LaFayette, 151; defeat at Yorktown, 151, 152; reference to army of, 154

Cramahé, [Hector Theophilus]; JRH95 serves in Amherst's Reg't, 72; appointed Deputy and Judge-Advocate for expedition against Quebec, 72

Crawford, James Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Alexander Wood's Company; JRH95  Disbanded in Canada, 125

Croll, Peter Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company

Cugnet, [François Joseph]; JRH95 Wolfe's informer for landing at Quebec, 109; seized by French as spy, abandoned on French naval ship stranded on rocks, 109

Culloden, Battle of - History:  his ancestors at L72-11-23 (Mackay);  Fraser tartan worn at L72-12-15 (Mackay);  historical references to L73-01-11 (Mackay);  relics from L73-03-02 (Mackay)

Cumming, Lieut. (71st); JRH95 commands piquet of 71st Reg't. grenadiers, 147

Cumming, Patrick, Lieut. (71st-1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 141; wounded at Stony Point, N.Y., 147

Cummins, Pte. D. ; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

Cuthbert, Donald Pte; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company; JRH95  Disbanded in Canada, 124

Cuthbert, John, Lieut., (78th), commissioned, 17, 68; killed in action 57, 68

Cuthbert, Lieut. (78th), killed at Louisbourg, 48, 57

Dalling, [John], Major; JRH95 sent by Amherst to take Ile St. Jean (P.E.I.), 1758, 57; commands light infantry at Quebec, 70; mentioned in Wolfe's final orders, 72;

Dambourges, Fran. , Lieut. (84th R.H.E.-1st.Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 1776, 155

Dame, George, Ensign, (84th R.H.E. 1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 1775, 155

Danks, [Benonie]; JRH95 Captain, commands company of Rangers in expedition to Quebec, 71

Davdison, Thomas Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company; JRH95  Disbanded in Canada, 125

Davidson, Alex., Surgeon (84th R.H.E. 1st.Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 1775, 155

Davidson, Edward Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Compan; JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 124

Davidson, George Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company

Davidson, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

Davis (Grenadier), taken prisoner by French, 109; left on board ship abandoned by French, 109

De Lanaudiere see Lanaudiere

De Lancey [James]; JRH95 Lieutenant Governor of New York, 43

De Laune [William]; JRH95 Captain, commands company of light infantry in expedition against Quebec, 71

De Ramezay see Ramezay

Debbeig see Debieg    

Debieg [Hugh], Captain Lieut.; JRH95 serves under Wolfe, 70

Derecuine, Captain; JRH95 serves as captain of miners under Wolfe at Quebec, 70

Des Barres [Joseph Frederick Wallet]; JRH95 serves as engineer under Wolfe at Quebec, 70

D'estaing see Estaing, 'd

Dirk see Equipment (78th)

Dobson, [Henry], Lieut.; JRH95 serves in Lascelles' Reg't., 72; appointed by General Amherst Major of Brigade, 72

Douglas, John, Lieut. (63rd later 78th); JRH95 appointed June 18, 1757, 45, 68

Douglas, John, Lieut., (78th); JRH95 commissioned, 67

Doune Pistols see Pistols

Drill Manual:  sends Bolton outline of research writing of manual for use by 78th Reg't. L76-05-31 (Suthren);   pleased with proposal for L76-06-08 (Bolton);  answers questions on manual for officers of 78th L76-06-15 (Suthren);  sends Bolton Drill Guide for Frasers for review L79-07-29 (Suthren);  sends memos to CO's at Fort York, Fort Calgary and Fort Langley re Suthren Drill Manual L79-09-18 (Bolton); sends copy of manual to Robin Upton L81-07-23 (Bolton);  sends copy of manual to Paul Fortier of Parks Canada L82-01-05 (Bolton);  sends Bolton copy of  The New Manual Exercise Drill, 1758   L82-02-23 (Fortier);  thanks Fortier for drill manual L82-03-01;   sends copy of his letter to Upton re drill manual recommendations to Bolton L83-02-02 (Suthren)

Drucourt [Boschenry de Drucourt, Augustine de], French Governor of Louisbourg; JRH95 attacks British July 8, 1758, 56

Drums see Equipment (78th)

Duffie, John Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

Dumbar, Captain (84th R.H.E.1st Bn.) ; JRH95commissioned, 1775, 155

Dunbar, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

Dunbar, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

Dunbar, Peter Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

Duncan, (Mrs.) J., Descendant of Lieut. Nairn, see NAIRN, Lieut.

Duncanson, Robert, Lieut. (71st-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 142

Dundonald, Lord; JRH95 killed at Louisbourg, 1758, 56

Dupont Duchambon De Vergor, Louis, Captain; JRH95 wounded and taken prisoner by British at Quebec landing, 88

Durell, [Philip], Rear-Admiral; JRH95 second in command to Saunders for Quebec expedition, 74

Eackhorn, Allan Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company

Eackhorn, Angus Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

Eackhorn, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

Eackhorn, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

Eighty-Fourth Regiment of Foot (Royal Highland Emigrants); JRH95 raised, 1775 - Disbanded, 1783, 153; regimental names before amendment, 153; recruited from former Highland Regiments and settlers in America, 154; history, 154, officers of, 155, 156; letters from Col. McLean re clothing for, 156-157; uniform and arms of, 157, 158; detachment of 1st Bn. posted to Fort Cumberland and elsewhere, 159; Reg't. disbanded in Canada and Nova Scotia, 159; land grants for, 159;  hopes JRH will include 84th in 2nd ed. F.H.  L72-06-11 (Hadley)sends thanks for info. on 84th Reg't.  L78-01-13 (Carroon);ref. to 84th Reg't. at PAC Ottawa  L78-04-26 (Forbes);  war games between RHE and King's Rangers L79-09-20 (Hale)   see also   Uniform  (84th)

Eighty-Seventh Regiment of Foot (Keith's and Campbells);  ref. to Knötel prints and to bonnet sketch L73-01-12 (Mackay);  photocopy sent with brief service history  L73-01-19 (Mackay);  original of print possibly at Edinburgh Castle L73-02-04 (Mackay);  Knötel prints most accurate portrayal of highland military garb 1760's  L73-02-05 (Mackay);  Knötel print of 1759 gives good idea of Fraser uniform L73-08-09 (Mackay)

Equipment (71st Regiment of Foot (Fraser Highlanders);  Badges of Rank , buttons L64-05-07 (Whitford);  bonnet badge L64-05-10 (Whitford);  requests primary source of info. for broadswords L76-02-18 (Forbes;  suggests joint order for broadswords  L76-04-17 (Harper);  problems of ordering broadswords; interested in Forbes' source L76-04-13 (Bolton);  replica drum of 71st Reg't. being produced in  England L76-10-30 (Anderson);  expresses interest in replica drum  L76-11-09 (Harper);  thanks Anderson for address of Premier Drum Co. L76-12-06 (Harper) Expo ‘67:  museum boutique L66-09-30 (McGregor);  participation of 78th Frasers and Cie. Franches L67-01-26 (Haber);  questions official position of Lake St.Louis Hist.  Soc. at, L67-02-01 (Harper);  request for 78th Frasers and Cie. Franches at Centennial Ball and  at Press conference L67-02-16 (Can. Consul, N.Y.);  suggests to CanadianConsul N.Y. revisions to numbers of Frasers and Franches at Centennial Ball L67-02-21 (Harper);  will discuss details of participation of  Frasers and Franches with JRH  L67-02-28 (Can. Consul N.Y.)

Equipment (78th Regiment Fraser Highlanders), Badges of rank, officers, sergeants and corporals, 29; Bagpipes, for 78th Regiment described 29; - music for clan and regiment, 30; - banned except for military use, 30; - use in Quebec to call Highlanders back to order in battle, 105; Broadswords, Captain Malcolm Fraser's, 21; - Basket-hilted originals, 27; - use of brass or iron in 27; - makers of, 27; - belt for, 28; Brown Bess musket see Musket; Cartridge Boxes, 28; - waist belts for, 28; - wearing of, saves life of Col. Simon Fraser, 103; Dirk, - Lieut. Nairn's, 21; -purchase of, by each Highland soldier, 20; - Highland, special features of, 27; - custom relating to, 27; - length of, 27; - how worn, 27; Sgt. Thompson's used in murder of Corporal McKee by Sgt.Fraser (78th), 61; Doune Pistols see Pistols; Drums, description of, 24; Halberds, sergeant's described, 21; Muskets, - long land, 20; - Brown Bess, 21; - ramrods for, 26; - accuracy of, 26; - ammunition for, 26; - loading of, 26; - bayonet on, 26; Pistols, -of steel, 21; as worn by officers, 26; - by other ranks, 26; Powder Horns, 28; - examples in Montreal Military and Maritime Museum, 28; - decorations on, 28; Royal warrant for equipment, 1757, 20; Spontoon, 21; description of, 28 Badges of Rank L64-05-07 (Whitford); Invasion Badge, Quebec campaign L64-08-15 (Harper, R.W.E.);   broadswords L64-09-27 (Clendenin);  ammunition; cartridge holder L66-10-07 (Harper, R.W.E.);; wooden campaign quaich; highland basket-hilted  broadsword, dirk,Highland pattern Brown Bess musket,  and unique features of L67-08-12 (Maclennan);  powder horn with Quebec battle scenes L73-02-19 (Harper); observations on powder horn date L73-04-02 (Mackay);  Mackay's sporran may be Fraser Highlander L74-11-23  (Mackay);  notes from WO records for arms and accoutrements L75-04-21  (Chartrand)

Equipment:  Government issued arms and equipment , not clothing L76-11-22 (Harper, R.W.E.);  source of swords in England L79-03-25 (Upton);  drums - specialist in military music sends detailed information on military drums and regulations L82-05-10 (Boag);  dirks-  source of in U.K. and Canada L84-11-07   (Anderson);  requests Salman & Naborough of Birmingham to send catalog of  uniform equipment L84-12-11 (Bolton);  requests David Smith of Glasgow  to send catalog of Toledo steel broadsword blades and asks for source  of shean dubh and disk blades and stones L85-04-03 (Bolton);  - Bagpipes - : first ever print of piper, source of L73-04-02 (Mackay);  two drones common before Waterloo; details                      of his personal collection;  how to determine age of, sketches enclosed L74-12-11  (Mackay);  sends coloured Bowles print of piper, 1743 L75-02-14 (Mackay);   comments on piper print L75-02-14 (Mackay);  reference to print L75-04-03  (Mackay);   congratulates Aldridge on bagpipe music   Colonel Harper's March L76-08-10 (Harper);  copy of music appreciated by Mackay as Chief of Piping  Society (Scotland) L76-08-11 (Mackay);   see also Equipment under numbered regiments

Erskine, (Sir) William, of Torry, (71st); JRH95 helps Lieut. General Simon Fraser raise 71st Fraser Highlanders, 137; commands 1st Bn., 141; commissioned Lieut.-Col., 141

Espontoon see Spontoon

Estaing, [Charles Hector], Comte d'; JRH95 arrives in Georgia with French Fleet, 145; leads French forces against British in Georgia, 145, 146; retreats to ships, 146

Facings see Uniform (78th) - Jackets also under Drummers

Feathers (78th) see Uniform (78th)

Feathers, Red, In Bonnets; JRH95 first use of, by 71st Reg't., 147; anecdote relating to, 147

Ferguson, Alex.; JRH95 marries French Canadian after disbandment, 122

Ferguson, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company

Ferguson, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

Ferguson, Alexander, Sgt. (78th) (Captain Ranald McDonell's Company); JRH95 marries French Canadian, 122; disbanded in Canada, 124

Ferguson, Andrew Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

Ferguson, Duncan Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

Ferguson, John Corporal; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company; JRH95 Disbanded in Canada, 125

Ferguson, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

Ferguson, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

Ferguson, John Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

Ferguson, Malcolm Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

Ferguson, Martin Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

Ferguson, Miles, Soldier, (Capt. Ranald McDonell's Company); JRH95 Disbanded in Canada, 124

Ferguson, Roderick Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

Ferguson, Sergeant, (78th); JRH95 in billets with Sgt. Thompson, 118

Fifteenth Fraser Fencible Reg't., 1794-1802; JRH95 raised with help of Col. Archibald Campbell Fraser, 11; reg't. commanded by Archibald's son, John Simon Frederick Fraser, younger of Lovat, 1797, 11; disbanded in 1802

Fifteenth Regiment of Foot (Amherst's Regiment); JRH95 serves under Wolfe at Quebec, 70; in Wolfe's final orders, 73; in Quebec expedition, 75; Grenadiers of, in 2nd landing for Quebec battle, 86; number killed and wounded, 99

Fifty-Eighth Regiment of Foot (Anstruther's Regiment); serves under Wolfe at Quebec, 70; in Quebec expedition, 76; in first landing for Quebec battle, 86; troops engaged, 88; number killed and wounded, 99; reg't. disbanded 1763, 122

FIGHTING FRASERS, THE;  by J. Ralph Harper;  foreword for L66-06-14 (Lovat); thanks JRHfor copy of book;  comments on details in text L66-10-07 R.W.E. Harper);  thanks JRH for copy;  comments on details L67-03-27 (Fraser, Rob't.); enjoyed purchased copy of book; comments on info. he could have sent before publication L72-11-10 (Mackay);  thanks JRH for copy of Book L73-09-19 (Steele);  copy sent to Forbes L74-04-08 (Harper);  copy sent to St.Andrews Church, Quebec City L74-11-19(Hale);  offer of 664 copies of The Fighting Frasers  L75-05-21 (de Volpi);  sends correct Simon Fraser portrait with book to Wolfe Society L75-06-06 (Harper).  Society  sends thanks L75-06-16 (Duggan);  will attempt  to locate copy of book for GallowayL76-12-17 (Harper);  thanks JRH for for copy sent L76-12-23 (Galloway);  copy sent to Louisbourg L77-11-02 (Bolton); copy sent to Millican of B.C. L78-07-11 (Harper);  thanks JRH for book L78-11-20 (Millican);  from Frankfurt, Germany, correspondent has read  The Fighting Frasers, would like to order more copies for his historical Society L80-01-13 (Kraft);  JRH sends copy to Helen MacMillan L83-09-21 (Harper) Forbes, William M. {Fort Stanwix, N.Y.):  requests sources for uniform pattern and equipment for reconstituted reg't. L74-02-23 (Forbes);  Forbes advised that their reg't. could be 71st Reg't. and uniform not the same; sends info. L74-03-07 (Harper) requests any info. on 78th Frasers at Fort Stanwix L74-04-08 (Harper); Forbes sends info. on 78th Frasers in Mohawk Valley 1758-59, and on Fort Stanwix L74-05-16 (Forbes); Bolton to send info. on uniform L74-05-24 (Harper);  Orderly book with  ref. to Frasers at Fort Stanwix 1758/59 at  PAC, Ottawa  L78-04-26 (Forbes)

Fire-Ships; JRH95 use of by French in attempt to destroy British fleet on voyage to Quebec, 77

Fisher, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

Fitzgerald, Gerald, Lieut. (84th R.H.E. 2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 1775, 156

Flat-Bottomed Boats; JRH95 used for troops in landing at Louisbourg, 48; solely for use of troops, 72; used to transport troops across river for Quebec battle, 86, 87; Captain Fraser in lead boat with Wolfe, 87

Fletcher, Alex., Ensign, (84th R.H.E. 1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 1776, 155

Fletcher, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

Fletcher, Angus Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

Fletcher, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

Flintlock see Musket

Flints; JRH95 three to be supplied to each soldier, 72

Forage-Money; JRH95 requested by Simon Fraser for 78th Reg't., 42

Forbes, Arthur, Lieut. (71st-2nd Bn.) ; JRH95 commissioned, 142

Forbes, Donald Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

Forbes, Duncan, Corporal (78th), (Captain Hugh Fraser's Company; JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 125

Forbes, James Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company; JRH95  disbanded in Canada, 124

Forbes, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

Forbes, William Pte.; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

Forsyth, James Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company; JRH95  Disbanded in Canada, 124;

Fort Stanwix; JRH95 1758, Fraser Highlanders arrival at, Oct.13, 1758, 60

Fort Ticonderoga:  visit L66-09-21 (Harper)

Fort William Henry; JRH95 destroyed by Montcalm, 41

Fortieth Regiment of Foot (Hopson's Reg't.); JRH95 company of Grenadiers serves under Hopson at Quebec, 70, 76, 88; killed and wounded in Battle of Quebec, 99

Forty-Eighth Regiment of Foot (Webb's Reg't), serves under Wolfe at Quebec, 70; required to provide batt-man for engineers in Quebec expedition, 73; killed and wounded in battle of Quebec, 49

Forty-Fifth Regiment of Foot (Warburton's Reg't) (Louisbourg Grenadiers), Grenadier company of, serves at Quebec, 70, 76, 88; killed and wounded in Battle of Quebec, 99

Forty-Second Regiment of Foot (Black Watch), Expedition against Ticonderoga and Crown Point, 59; earn title "Royal" Highland Reg't. by King George II for part played at Ticonderoga, 59; detachment of assumes watch on walls of Montreal after capitulation, 114; Reg't. disbanded, 122 Montreal:  CO offers Black Watch band as support to Frasers, on request L76-09-10 (Sewell);  sends Millican of B.C. list of battle honours awarded to Black Watch;  states Black Watch not at Quebec Battle but helped capture Montreal in 1760, no battle honours here since no fighting;  no  nominal rolls available.  Located Jon McCall and Euan McColl in Fraser's Reg't. L78-07-11 (Harper);   thanks JRH for list of Black Watch battle honours;  refers to books by Money-Barnes and by Frank Adams as reference sources L78-11-20  (Millican);  asks Bolton for details of uniform and  drill manual for reconstituted  regiment L83-07-05 (Anderson, John H.); sends John Anderson (New Hampshire) info. requested L83-08-09 (Bolton) 

Forty-Seventh Regiment of Foot (Lascelles' Reg't.), serves under Wolfe at Quebec, 70; required to provide batt-man for engineers in Quebec expedition, 76; in first landing for Quebec battle, 86, 88, 89; number killed and wounded, 99

Forty-Third Regiment of Foot (Kennedy's Reg't.), serves under Wolfe at Quebec, 70; required to provide batt-man for engineers in Quebec expedition, 73; in first landing for Quebec Battle, 86; killed and wounded, 99; reg't. disbanded 1763, 122

Foulon, [Anse Au; JRH95 reconnaissance of, by Capt. Simon Fraser, 85; accepted by Wolfe for landing of troops for Quebec battle, 87

Fraser Clan; JRH95 Origin of, 1-3; name, variations in spelling of, 2; anecdotes about name, 2 see also FRASER OF Lovat Clan, also Fraser of Saltoun Clan

Fraser Descendants   see   Fraser Family - Descendants    also   Seventy-Eighth Regiment of Foot (Fraser Highlanders) - Descendants

Fraser Family - Descendants:  L64-01-20 (Perry);  L64-01-20 (Pouliot);  L64-01-22 (LaMothe);  L64-01-22 (Fraser-Lizotte);  L64-01-22 (Martineau);  L64-01-27  (Fraser, Constance); L64-01-27 (Fraser, Murray);  L64-01-29 (Buchanan));  L64-02-03 (Pouliot);  L64-02-10 (Fraser, Duncan); L64-02-17 (Fraser, Marius); L64-03-24 (Pouliot); L64-04-17 (Pouliot); L64-06-16 (Pouliot); L72-08-14 McLaughlin;  L72-08-14 (Fisher);  L72-11-17 (Mackay);  L72-11-23 (Mackay); seeks  info.on ancestors from 1759 L73-09-23 (Fraser, Alex.); sends info.on Margaret Fraser and descendants L74-11-18 (Mitchell);  info. on Margaret to be used in 2nd ed. F.H.  L74-11-29 (Harper);  refers to Greenaway family and to Margaret Fraser L74-12-06 (Mitchell);   update on Margaret Fraser, Tegart and Mitchell families L75-02-21 (Mitchell);  thanks Mitchell for info. on family L75-02-27 (Harper);  advises Mackay seeks Lovat's corroboration about Margaret Fraser L75-03-11 (Harper);  death of Florence Fraser  L75-05-21 (Bolton);  letter of sympathy re Florence Fraser to Douglas Porter L75-05-22 (Harper);  sends genealogical info. L75-06-26 (Porter); further info. on Mitchell-Fraser-Tegart genealogy L76-05-03 (Mitchell);  makes suggestion re Mitchell info.L75-05-04 (Harper);  request for help in tracing ancestry to Simon Fraser L79-11-13 (Macdonald, Helen Fraser);  replies to request for info. on Alexander Fraser of Fraserville, and sends other info. related to seigneurie L80-05-29 (Harper);  descendant of Malcolm Fraser seeks research help L80-06-16 (Ikelman);  sends requested details to Ikelman L80-07-08 (Harper); asks if  Museum has archival material on  Frasers for his thesis;  requests map showing Fraserville L80-08-07 (Willis);  suggests Willis contact Mme. Fraser-Lizotte re thesis research L80-09-30 (Harper)  see also  Seventy-Eighth Regiment of Foot (Fraser Highlanders) - Descendants

Fraser Family - History   see  Fraser Family - Descendants  also  Seventy-Eighth Regiment of Foot (Fraser Highlanders) - Descendants

Fraser Family; JRH95 of Quebec, 17

Fraser Highlanders  see  Seventy-Eighth Regiment of Foot (Fraser Highlanders)

Fraser Highlanders see Seventy-Eighth Reg't. of Foot (Fraser's Highlanders)

FRASER HIGHLANDERS, THE:  by J.Ralph Harper, 2nd ed.;  discusses mss L65-03-27 (O'Brien);;  part I sent to Mackay for criticism L74-11-01 (Harper);  comments  on Part I  by Mackay L74-11-14 (Mackay);  suggests corrections L74-11-17(Mackay);  more pages 2nd ed. sent to Mackay for criticism L74-11-18 (Harper);  will use info. on Margaret Fraser sent by Mitchell in 2nd ed. L74-11-29 (Harper);  sends Mackay section on Tartans for criticism L75-02-07(Harper);  informs Lovat of progress on  2nd ed. L75-03-03 (Harper);  informs Mackay of progress on 2nd ed. L75-08-11 (Harper);  advises Lovat 2nd ed. almost finished; sends final chapters for criticism L75-03-25 (Harper);  asks Mackay to suggest title L75-03-27 (Harper);  suggests JRH add "Battle Colour" after Cath dath (battle hose) in 2nd ed.; returns draft ; sends info. by Scobie on Fencible uniform L75-04-03 (Mackay);  advises Chartrand of acquisition of Thompson diary for 2nd ed. source material L75-04-15 (Harper); suggests JRH seek advice of Dorothy Eber of Montreal re publication grant  L75-08-01 (Steele);  reference sources for book at PAC Ottawa and PRO London  L75-08-15 (Senior);  advises Steele 2nd ed. finished L76-01-12 (Harper);  pleased to know 2nd ed. finished L76-01-12 (Mackay); reporter Mike Christensen returns mss material from 2nd ed. and sends clipping of article on Savannah in Atlanta Journal based on JRH research  L76-05-08 (Atlanta Journal);  sends Suthren mss. pages re use of sailcloth for trews L76-05-25 (Harper);  suggestions for corrections re Lovat Scouts in 2nd ed. L76-06-14 (Melville); sends foreword by Lord Lovat to E. Hale; book  ready for publisher L76-08-19 (Harper);  suggests reason not to include R.W.E. Harper's drawing of RHE officer in 2nd ed. L76-09-22 (Suthren);  will act on Suthren's suggestion to use  Douglas N. Anderson for military drawing L76-10-12 (Harper);sends letter to Anderson re drawings for 2nd ed. L76-10-15 (Harper);  agrees to do sketch of 84th RHE officer if treated as reconstruction L76-10-30 (Anderson); JRH agrees to Anderson's request and sends photocopies of 84th officer's coat at McCord Museum.; asks Anderson to proceed  with sketch  L76-11-09 (Harper);   sends sketch for 2nd ed.L76-11-18 (Anderson);  requests sketch of 71st officer  1776-1783 for 2nd ed. L77-01-18 (Harper);  sends Anderson pages on uniforms from 2nd ed. mss. L77-01-18 (Harper);  raises questions related to 2nd ed. mss. draft pages L77-01-26 (Anderson);  account for sketch drawings for 2nd ed. L77-01-26  (Anderson);  permission by  Co. of Military Historians to reproduce plate of uniform in 2nd ed. L77-08-13 (Elting);  permission to use sketch in 2nd ed. L77-03-22 (McBarron);  details involved in publication sent by Valerie Stevens of Hakkert , memo sent to Bolton L77-06-16 (Hale);  requests Kim Fraser to review two pages of 2nd ed. before publication L77-08-30 (Harper);  Social Science Council not sure 2nd ed. eligible for grant L77-09-15 (Blaney);  sends page on Louisbourg from 2nd ed.  mss. to Balcom L77-11-02 (Bolton);  Balcom suggests revisions to 2nd ed. mss. L77-11-16 (Balcom);  UBC unable to publish 2nd ed. L78-05-16 (Fredeman); accepts reasons UBC unable to publish  but defends contents as research resource  L78-05-24 (Harper);  contacts Leo Cooper of Seely, Service and Cooper, London re  publishing 2nd ed L78-06-06 (Harper);  interested but unable to finance publication L78-06-12 (Cooper);  requests two copies autographed of 2nd ed. L79-07-05 (Lord); thanks JRH for copy 2nd ed.; pleased to see his photo included L79-07-18 (Charbonneau);  thanks JRH for inscribed copy; offers congratulations; mentions purchaser pleased to have copy for research L79-07-19 (Hale);  thanks JRH for copy  2nd ed; makes humorous observations on Scots L79-07-20 (Shropshire);  thanks JRH for copy 2nd ed. with praise L79-07-25 (Suthren);  thanks Shropshire for note and  informs him Museum as source of extra copies L79-07-25 (Harper);  thanks JRH for copy 2nd ed; comments on family association with Frasers L79-07-25 (Wallis); thanks JRH for copy 2nd ed.; suggests Nicholas Hoare  as distributor L79-07-27 (Reford);  thanks Doris Gillis of Montreal Star for interest in 2nd ed. L79-08-03 (Harper);  thanks JRH for copy 2nd ed. for Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother  and himself L79-08-04 (Gilliat);  sends copy to Haarmann of Co. of Military Historians  for review L79-08-06 (Harper);  returns original material  from book; Fitzpatrick to send remainder L79-08-06 (Holloway);  thanks Holloway for material from 2nd ed. L79-08-07 (Harper);  sends cheque for copy of book and congratulates JRH  L79-08-12 (Patterson);;  thanks Young of CBC's MORNINGSIDE for considering interview with JRH to discuss 2nd ed. L79-08-13 (Horan);  Thanks Fitzpatrick of Toronto for reading 2nd ed. before end of  Internat'l. Gathering of Highland Clans in Halifax L79-08-14 (Harper);  pleased that Jimmie Patterson ordered copy 2nd ed  L79-08-14 (Harper);  Informs JRH he has read review of 2nd ed.; comments on Ralph Connor's The Rock and the River (1931) that mentions Frasers L79-08-15 (Robb); sends Nicholas Hoare copy of 2nd ed. and suggests his possible distribution of book L79-08-16 (Harper);  sends copy 2nd ed. to Quill and Quire for review L79-08-20  (Harper);  Fort Ticonderoga delighted to receive copy 2nd ed.L79-08-20 (Lape);  thanks JRH for copy 2nd ed. L79-08-27 (Fraser, J.A.H.); thanks JRH for copies of 2nd ed; pleased with section on Lovat Scouts L79-09-15 (Cameron); sends info. on 2nd ed.  with copies to National Library, Ottawa L79-09-18 (Harper); thanks JRH for  copy 2nd ed. L79-09-20 (Hale);  request JRH address after seing him on CBC TV L79-11-06 (Moss);  has not rec'd. copy 2nd ed. ordered L79-10-12 (Ugino); acknowledges Ugino letter L79-10-16 (Harper);  Helen Fraser MacDonald asks help  in tracing ancestors after reading 2nd ed. L79-11-13 (MacDonald);  thanks JRH for  copy 2nd ed.; includes infor on Frasers L79-11-18 (Lady Saltoun);  thanks JRH for copy 2nd ed. L79-11-27 (Nat'l. Museum of Antiquities,Scotland);  asks Linda Moss to specify photos on CBC TV of interest to herL79-11-30 (Harper);  thanks JRH for copy 2nd ed. L79-12-20(McIntosh); wishes to order 2nd ed. for Scottish United Services Museum  L80-03-07 (Boag);  Australian wishes to order copy 2nd ed.  L80-08-19(Feehan);  pleased that JRH appreciated review of 2nd ed. L81-01-22 (Swinton);  acknowledges Swinton letter L81-02-03 (Harper);  thanks JRH for copy of 2nd ed. L81-06-17 (Senior);  orders copy of 2nd ed. L82-10-22 (Ames);  sends copy 2nd ed. to Helen MacMillan L83-09-21 (Harper);  Cameron (Kingston, Ont.) surprised that ancestor Thomas not included among disbanded in 2nd ed..L86--09-19 (Cameron);  cannot explain absence of Thomas Cameron in list of disbanded in 2nd  ed.;  search of Upper Canada Land Petitions does not contain Thomas Cameron L86-11-14 (Bolton)

Fraser of Lovat - Coat of Arms ; offers to sketch  L66-02-26 (Harper, R.W.E.); disputes claim by Lovat relating to crowns in coat-of-arms L66-10-07 (Harper, R.W.E.)

Fraser Of Lovat Family; JRH95 History of, 6-13; meaning of Lovat name, 3; war cry of, 3; ancestral home of, 3; "Je suis prest" clan widows, 3; Fraser Line, 5; Frasers of Lovat, 6-14;  Simon Christopher Joseph, Brigadier, 17th Baron Lovat, 11; chiefs of clan 12, 13; genealogy of, since 1716, 12-13;

Fraser Of Saltoun Family; JRH95 origin of, 3-4, Saltoun line, 5; coat-of-arms, 4

Fraser Tartan; JRH95 controversy about, 30; Col. Simon Fraser's reference to use of Lord Loudoun's colours in, 35; description of, by Logan, 35; tartan designed by John and Charles Sobieski Stuart for Lord Lovat, 1845, 35, 36; colour and sett of, controversy continues over, 36; tartan for 78th reraised Reg't. authorized by Col. Harper, 36

Fraser, (Hon.) Archibald of Lovat, 20th Chief of Clan Fraser of Lovat; JRH95 raises Fraser Fencibles Reg't., 161; service during Irish Rebellion, 162; family of Archibald, 163; dies 1815, 163

Fraser, (Hon.) Kim Maurice, Colonel 78th Reg't. Fraser Highlanders; JRH95 (reraised regiment), xi, 11

Fraser, (Volunteer), Acting Sergeant, (78th); JRH95 killed by native at Louisbourg, 1758, 50

Fraser, Alex Lieut; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

Fraser, Alex, Capt. (84th R.H.E.1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 1775, 155

Fraser, Alexander (i) Lieut. (71st-1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 141

Fraser, Alexander (i), Ensign, (78th); JRH95 commissioned 1757, 17; on Hugh Gaine's list, 126

Fraser, Alexander (ii), Ensign (78th); JRH95 on Hugh Gaine's list, 126; land grant to, 128; JRH95 commissioned, 141

Fraser, Alexander Corporal; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company

Fraser, Alexander Ensign; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

Fraser, Alexander Lieut; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

Fraser, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company

Fraser, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

Fraser, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

Fraser, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

Fraser, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

Fraser, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

Fraser, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

Fraser, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

Fraser, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

Fraser, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

Fraser, Alexander Sergeant; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company

Fraser, Alexander Sergeant; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

Fraser, Alexander Sergeant; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

Fraser, Alexander Sergeant; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

Fraser, Alexander, Capt. (78th; JRH95 wounded at Ste. Foy, 105

Fraser, Alexander, Drummer (78th), (Capt. Hugh Fraser's Company); JRH95 Disbanded in Canada, 125

Fraser, Alexander, Jr., Lieut.; JRH95 wounded at Ste. Foy, 105; marries French Canadian after disbandment, 122; on Hugh Gaine's list, 126; land grant to, 126

Fraser, Alexander, Lieut. (78th); JRH95 commissioned Sept.27, 1758, 67; killed in action, 67

Fraser, Alexander, Lieut.; JRH95 commissioned July 22, 1757, 68, wounded at Ste.Foy, 105; on Hugh Gaine's list, 126; land grant to, 128

Fraser, Alexander, of Calduthall, Capt. (78th); JRH95 arrives in Halifax, July 1759 with 14th company of Frasers; sent to Albany in error, 58; moved by transport to Quebec Sept. 4, 1759, 58; commissioned major, 67; commands 14th company as reinforcements for Fraser Highlanders, 86; on Hugh Gaine's list, 125;

Fraser, Alexander, of Inverallochie (d.1796); JRH95 wounded at Culloden, 8

Fraser, Alexander, Sgt. (Capt. Hugh Fraser's Company); JRH95 Disbanded in Canada, 125

Fraser, Alexander, Sgt. (Capt. Wood's Company); JRH95 Disbanded in Canada, 125

Fraser, Alexander, Soldier, (Capt. Montgomerie's Company); JRH95 Disbanded in Canada, 125; On Hugh Gaine's list, 128

Fraser, Alexander, son of Malcolm; JRH95 partner in North West Co. of Canada, xii

Fraser, Alexander, Sr., Lieut; JRH95 commissioned Feb. 12, 1757, 17, 68; wounded at Ste. Foy, 105; on Hugh Gaine's list, 126; land grant to, 128

Fraser, Angus Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

Fraser, Archibald Campbell, Honorary Colonel (b. 1736); JRH95 succeeds General Simon Fraser, Master of Lovat, as Chief of Frasers of Lovat, 10, 11 [half-brother of Simon Fraser, Master of Lovat];  sends photocopy of portrait L73-02-20 (Mackay);  portrait of Archibald in New Brunswick Archives is of Archibald, not Simon, Master of Lovat L74-07-15 (Harper);  descendant Abertarff inheritor of possessions including Wolfe's and Colville's Orders L74-11-23 (Mackay);  background to Abertarff's inheritance of Wolfe's and Colville's Orders L75-03-20 (Mackay);  memo to Bolton re photograph of Archibald L77-01-27 (Harper)

Fraser, Archibald, (78th); JRH95 land grant to, 128

Fraser, Archibald, Ensign (71st-1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 141

Fraser, Archibald, Ensign (78th); JRH95 on Hugh Gaine's list, 126

Fraser, Charles, of Inverallochie, Lieut.-Colonel; JRH95commands 1, 000 Frasers at Culloden, 8; wounded in battle, 9; life spared by Capt. James Wolfe, 9

Fraser, Chr Pte.; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

Fraser, Donald (78th); JRH95 marries French Canadian after disbandment, 122

Fraser, Donald Corporal; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company; JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 124

Fraser, Donald Corporal; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company; JRH95 Disbanded in Canada, 125

Fraser, Donald Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company

Fraser, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

Fraser, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

Fraser, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

Fraser, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

Fraser, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

Fraser, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

Fraser, Donald Sergeant; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

Fraser, Donald, soldier, (78th); JRH95 petition for land grant near Albany, 159, 160

Fraser, Duncan Pte.; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

Fraser, Finley Corporal; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

Fraser, George Lieut; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company

Fraser, George, (78th); JRH95 land grant to, 128

Fraser, Hugh Captain; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company

Fraser, Hugh Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

Fraser, Hugh Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

Fraser, Hugh Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

Fraser, Hugh Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

Fraser, Hugh Pte.; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

Fraser, Hugh Pte.; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

Fraser, Hugh Pte.; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company; JRH95 marries French Canadian after disbandment, 122; land grant to, 128

Fraser, Hugh, Adjutant (78th); JRH95 commissioned, 1757, 17, 68; on Hugh Gaine's list, 127

Fraser, Hugh, Capt. (78th); JRH95 land grant to, 128

Fraser, Hugh, Lieut. (71st-1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 141

Fraser, Hugh, Lieut. (78th); JRH95 on Hugh Gaine's list, 1757; land grant to, 128

Fraser, James of Strathspey; JRH95 Last surviving Fraser from Battle of Culloden, dies 1817, 8

Fraser, James Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company; JRH95 Disbanded in Canada, 124

Fraser, James Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

Fraser, James Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

Fraser, James Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

Fraser, James Pte.; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

Fraser, James Pte.; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

Fraser, James, 7th of Belladrum (Seumas Eolack), Major (78th); JRH95 commissioned, 67; as Colonel recruited for 15th Fraser Fencibles, 161

Fraser, James, Lieut. (71st-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 142

Fraser, Jeremiah Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

Fraser, John (ii) Soldier (Capt. Hugh Fraser's Co.; JRH95 Disbanded in Canada, 125

Fraser, John Captain; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

Fraser, John Corporal; RL 1763  Captain Alexander Wood's Company

Fraser, John Lieut; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

Fraser, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company

Fraser, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company

Fraser, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company; JRH95 Disbanded in Canada, 125

Fraser, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

Fraser, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

Fraser, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company; JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 124

Fraser, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

Fraser, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

Fraser, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

Fraser, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

Fraser, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

Fraser, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company; JRH95 Disbanded in Canada, 123

Fraser, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

Fraser, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

Fraser, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

Fraser, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

Fraser, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

Fraser, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company; JRH95 Disbanded in Canada, 124

Fraser, John Pte.; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

Fraser, John Pte.; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

Fraser, John Pte.; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

Fraser, John Pte.; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

Fraser, John Pte.; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

Fraser, John Pte.; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

Fraser, John Pte.; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

Fraser, John Pte.; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

Fraser, John Sergeant; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company; JRH95 Disbanded in Canada, 124

Fraser, John, (78th); JRH95 wounded at Ste. Foy, refused treatment by Dr. Morrison, 105; treated by French (prisoner) Dr. Badelard, 105

Fraser, John, Captain, (78th); JRH95 on Hugh Gaine's list, 126; land grant to, 127

Fraser, John, Corporal (78th), (Capt. Wood's Company); JRH95 Disbanded in Canada, 125

Fraser, John, Ensign (78th); JRH95 commissioned Jan.19, 1757, 17

Fraser, John, Lieut. (78th); JRH95 commissioned, 16, 67, on Hugh Gaine's list, 126

Fraser, John, of Balnain, Lieut. (78th); JRH95 commissioned Jan. 24, 1757, 17, 67; on Hugh Gaine's list, 126

Fraser, John, of Errogie, Ensign, (78th); JRH95 commissioned, 68

Fraser, John, Quarter-Master (78th); JRH95 commissioned, 1757, 17, 68; land grant to, 128

Fraser, John; JRH95 marries French Canadian after disbandment, 122; land grant to, 128

Fraser, Kim, of Lovat, Hon.:  outlines arrangements for Kim to stay at officers" mess at Can. Forces Base L67-03-20 (Harper);  confirmation of arrangements for Kim L67-04-07 (Roy)

Fraser, Lieut. (71st); JRH95 killed at Yorktown, 1781, 152

Fraser, Lieut. (78th); JRH95 killed at Louisbourg, 1758, 57

Fraser, Malcolm Ensign; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

Fraser, Malcolm Lieut; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

Fraser, Malcolm, (78th), (Capt. John Fraser's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 124

Fraser, Malcolm, (i) (78th); JRH95 land grant to, 128

Fraser, Malcolm, (ii) (78th); JRH95 land grant to, 128  

Fraser, Malcolm, Capt. (84th Reg't. R.H.E. 1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned 1775, 155

Fraser, Malcolm, Ensign (78th); JRH95 commissioned July 9, 1760, 68; dies of wounds at Quebec, 103, 105; on Hugh Gaine's list, 126

Fraser, Malcolm, Lieut. (later Colonel), 1733-1815; JRH95 reference to journal of, May 8, 1759-May 18, 1760, xii; reference to his reg't. as 63rd xii; appointment as Colonel, xii; his death at Murray Bay, 1815, xii; commissioned staff officer July 18, 1757, 17; relics of, owned by Mme. Fraser Lizotte, 21; diary note on Wolfe's crossing to Montmorency, 81; batteries fire on Quebec City, 81; French fire-rafts efforts fail, 83; on General Murray's failings, 104; Malcolm Fraser wounded at Ste.Foy, 105; acquires Mount Murray after disbandment, 122; disbanded in Canada, 124; see also under 84th Reg't. R.H.E. 1st Bn.;  biographical notes;  sword owned  by writer, a descendant L64-01-22 (Fraser-Lizotte)

Fraser, Peter, Ensign, (71st-1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 142

Fraser, Robert Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

Fraser, Roderick Corporal; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company; JRH95 Disbanded in Canada, 123

Fraser, Sergeant (78th), kills Corporal McKee with Sgt.Thompson's dirk, 61; aquitted of murder, 62

Fraser, Simon Christopher Joseph, Brigadier; JRH95 17th Lord Lovat, 24th chief of Clan Fraser of Lovat, 11; serves in Scots Guards and in Lovat Scouts, 11; appointed commander No.4 Commando Unit, 1940-45, 193;

Fraser, Simon Drummer; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

Fraser, Simon Joseph, 16th Lord Lovat, 23rd Chief of Clan Fraser; JRH95raises Lovat Scouts to serve in Boer War, 11, 164; attends 300th anniversary celebrations of founding of Quebec, 173-175; welcomed by Fraser descendants, 176; dies 1933, 13

Fraser, Simon Lieut; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

Fraser, Simon of Balnain (Brigadier):  sends details on, in 78th Reg't. and service in Amer. Revol. War under Burgoyne and his death, 1777

Fraser, Simon Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

Fraser, Simon Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

Fraser, Simon, 1556-1747 "Old Fox", eleventh Lord Lovat; JRH95 father of Simon, Master of Lovat, who raised the Fraser Highlanders in 1757, 6; exiled and imprisoned in France, 7; returns to England at request of Highlanders as "true Chief of the Clan, 7; serves in Black Watch, 7; gains support of Frasers for Prince Charles Edward Stuart, 1745, 7; entertains Prince after Culloden, 9; beheaded as traitor, 1747, 9

Fraser, Simon, Capt. (71st-1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 141

Fraser, Simon, Capt. Lieut. (78th); JRH95 commissioned, 67

Fraser, Simon, Ensign (78th); JRH95 commissioned, Jan. 21, 1757, 17

Fraser, Simon, Ensign, (78th); JRH95 commissioned Jan. 9, 1757, 17, 68

Fraser, Simon, Jr., Lieut. (78th); JRH95 commissioned, Jan. 30, 1757, 17; wounded at Ste.Foy, 105

Fraser, Simon, Lieut. (78th); JRH95 commissioned Feb.8, 1757, 17

Fraser, Simon, Master of Lovat, (Lieut.-Col.Com.), 1726-1782:  to provide slide of, for The Fighting Frasers (MacBeath);  to correct mix-up will send requested print of, L64-04-16 (MacBeath);  glossy print sent from New Brunswick Museum L66-05-02  (Earnshaw);  points out wrong  portrait of, in The Fighting Frasers L72-11-10  (Mackay);  explanation for wrongportrait used L72-11-17 (Harper);  copy of portrait  sent for 2nd ed.  The Fraser Highlanders;  mentions miniature in PAC Ottawa  L72-11-23 (Mackay);  photo of Mackay's miniature sent to JRH L72-12-15  (Mackay);   states relationship to Lovat family L72-12-15 (Mackay);  suggests Recherches du Québec may know provenance of miniature L73-01-18(Mackay); says JRH miniature possibly "touched up" since no white line shown in tartan L73-01-18 (Mackay);  advises New Brunswick Museum their portrait  is of Archibald not Simon, Master of Lovat L74-07-15 (Harper);  reminds JRH to use correct miniature of Simon in 2nd ed. F.H.  L74-11-23 (Mackay);  sends prints of  PAC miniature to Mackay L75-03-11 (Harper);  reference to miniature L75-04-03  (Mackay);  reference to Roy's  biography of L75-04-21 (Chartrand);  would like copy of Simon Fraser letter to Loudoun August 1757 L76-02-23 (Harper);  tells Forbes incorrect portrait of Simon in  The Fighting Frasers and sends him copy of  PAC print of miniature L76-02-23 (Harper);  requests Bolton to obtain copy of  prints of Simon Fraser in Huntington Library L76-06-14 (Harper);  advises JRH that British Museum Catalog lists engraving of Simon Fraser L76-10-21(Bolton);  photo of Simon Fraser ordered from British Museum L76-10-28 (Bolton);  line engraving copy to be  sent, others available L76-11-24 (British Museum);  advises that Short engravings in British Museum  Map  Library L76-11-25 (British Museum);   B.M. Library advises  that Short engravings only in bxw, no other info. available L76-12-02 (British Museum Library)

Fraser, Simon, Master of Lovat, 1726- 1782, Lieut.-Col. Com.; JRH95 Raises 78th Fraser Highlanders, 1757, 6, 7; commands Clan Fraser soldiers at Battle of Falkirk, 1746, 7; - at Culloden, 1746, 8; taken prisoner at, 9; receives pardon, 10; raises clansmen for service in North America at request of Wm. Pitt, 10; serves at Brig.-Gen'l. with British forces in Portugal after North American campaign, 10; commissioned Lieut.-Col. Com., 78th Reg't.(2nd Bn. of Foot), 10, 15; regains Lovat Estates, 1774, 10; member of House of Commons till 1782, 10; raises 1st, 2nd Bn., 71st Reg't. of Foot, Fraser Highlanders, 1776, 10; founds Highland Society in London, 1778, 10; supports Duke of Montrose's Bill in Parliament to repeal Act prohibiting the wearing of Highland Dress, 1782, 10; succeeded as Chief of Frasers of Lovat by Lieut. Archibald Fraser, 10; obtains permission for Highland dress for military Frasers in North America, 20, 21; receives orders to move 78th Reg't. to Cork, Ireland for embarcation, 37; receives final orders from Wm. Pitt, 40; arrives with Frasers in Halifax, 41; writes to Loudoun of arrival and pride in Highlanders wearing Loudoun's livery, 42; letter to Hopson, 1757, requesting baggage and forage money for Highlanders, 42; lists company commanders for 63rd, (78th) Reg't., 42, 43; receives instructions from Loudoun for march to Connecticut, 43; instructions for handling deserters, 43; submits official return for 63rd (78th) Reg't from N.Y., Nov. 1757, 45; diplomacy in handling Duncan McFee over French officer's sword incident, 52; acts as [Gaelic] translator for Sgt. Fraser's murder trial, 62; shares billet with Sgt. Thompson, 64; advice from Wolfe that Frasers will be used for Quebec expedition, 66; chosen Lieut.-Colonel Commandant for Quebec invasion, 1759, 10, 16, 67; wounded at Montmorency July 1759, 81; dines with Wolfe, 84; commands 43rd, 23rd and 78th Regiments at Quebec April 1760, 103; life saved by cartouche box and by hair cue, 103; bids farewell to Highlanders, March 1761, 121; elected to Parliament, 121; passes command of 78th Reg't. to Major John Campbell of Ballimore, 121; promoted to Brigadier General, 1762, 121; on Hugh Gaine's list; land grant petition of, 127; land grant to, 129; raises 2 battalions 71st Fraser Highlanders for service in North America, 1776, 137-139; receives return of Lovat estates, 138; commissioned Colonel 71st Fraser Highlanders, 141; promoted Lieut.-General, 71st Reg't, 141; dies 1782, 141

Fraser, Simon, of Balnain, Brigadier; JRH95 arrives from England with Burgoyne to capture retreating American invaders, 1776, 136

Fraser, Simon, of Balnain, Capt.; JRH95 commands company, 42; on official return, 45; reconnoitres landing for Battle of Quebec at Anse [au Foulon] by canoe, 85; in leading boat with Wolfe, 87; lands troops, 87; replies to French challenge, 87; leads Highlanders up cliff, 87; on Hugh Gaine's list, 126

Fraser, Simon, of Inverallochy, Maj.,  (78th); JRH95 commissioned captain 1757, 16; commissioned major, 67; killed in action, 67

Fraser, Simon, Sgt. (78th) (Capt. Archibald Campbell's Co.); JRH95 Disbanded in Canada, 124;

Fraser, Simon, Soldier (78th) (Capt. John Fraser's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 124; land grant to, 128

Fraser, Simon, Sr., Lieut. (78th); JRH95 commissioned Jan.5, 1757, 17; wounded at Ste. Foy, 105

Fraser, Thomas (ii) Lieut. (71st-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 142

Fraser, Thomas Alexander, 14th Lord Lovat; JRH95 Grandfather of Simon, 16th Lord Lovat, 11; Lovat peerage restored to Thomas, 1837, 11; Scottish title restored, 1857, 11

Fraser, Thomas Corporal       ; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

Fraser, Thomas Drummer; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company; JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 124

Fraser, Thomas Drummer; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

Fraser, Thomas Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

Fraser, Thomas Pte.; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

Fraser, Thomas Pte.; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

Fraser, Thomas Pte.; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

Fraser, Thomas, (i) Lieut. (71st-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 142

Fraser, Thomas, 8th of Struy, Major (78th); JRH95 commissioned captain, 16; commissioned major, May 1757, 18th cent. plaid sample from, 32-33; commands company, 43; on official return, 45

Fraser, Thomas, Capt.; JRH95 letter to Maj. Mathews May 23, 1784, requesting assistance for parents, 160

Fraser, Thomas, Lieut. (71st-1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 141

Fraser, William Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

Fraser, William Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

Fraser, William Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

Fraser, William Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

Fraser, William Pte.; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

Fraser, William Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

Fraser, William Sergeant; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

Fraser, William Sergeant; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

Fraser, William, Private (78th) (Capt. Cameron's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 123

Fraser, William, Private (78th) (Major Abercrombie's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 123

Fraser, William, Sgt. (78th) (Capt. Ranald McDonell's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 124

Fraser, William, Sgt. (78th) (Major John Campbell's Co.); JRH95 marries French Canadian after disbandment, 122; disbanded in Canada, 124

Fraser, William, Surgeon (71st-1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned surgeon, 142

Fraser's Highlanders see Seventy - Eighth Reg't. of Foot (Fraser Highlanders)

Frazier, Hugh, Lieut. (84th R.H.E. 2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned Feb. 1776, 156

Free Masons (Fraser Highlanders), paper on L64-01-20 (Milborne)  see also  Masonic Lodge (78th Fraser Highlanders) (file)

Fullerton, David Pte.; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

Gabarus Bay; JRH95 arrival of British fleet in for expedition against Louisbourg, 48

Gage, Thomas, General; JRH95 appointed governor of Massachusetts, 1774, 132; commissioned Col.-in-Chief 84th Reg't. 2nd. Bn., 1775, 156;

Gallahan, David Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

Ganson, William Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

Gates, [Horace], (American) General; JRH95 defeated by Cornwallis' troops at Camden, S.C., 1780, 147;

Geddes, George Corporal; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company; JRH95 Disbanded in Canada, 125

Gibbon, Pte. Donald; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

Gibbon, Pte. John; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

Gilchrist, Alex., Lieut. (78th); JRH95 on Hugh Gaine's list, 126

Gilchrist, Alexander; JRH95 land grant to, 128

Gillis, Angus Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Alexander Wood's Company

Gillis, Duncan Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

Gillis, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

Gillis, Marg Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

Gillivray, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

Glass, James Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

Goddard, Lieut.; JRH95 serves as engineer under Wolfe at Quebec, 70

Gordon, Charles, Lieut., (71st-1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 141

Gordon, Cosmo, Lieut., (78th); JRH95 commissioned, 68; killed in action, 68, 103

Gordon, George, Quarter-Master (78th); JRH95 on Hugh Gaine's list, 127

Gordon, James Sergeant; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

Gordon, James, Sgt. (78th), (Capt. Alexander McLeod's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 123

Gordon, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

Gordon, Peter, Major, (78th); JRH95 land grant to, island of St. John, 129

Gordon, William, Ensign, (71st-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 142

Goreham, Joseph; JRH95 commands company of Rangers in Quebec expedition, 71, 76

Goreham's Rangers see Goreham

Governor-Generals Foot Guards (1972); Frasers and Franches Marines participation at Gala L71-03-03 (Galloway);   will discuss details  of participation with JRH  L72-04-13 (Galloway)

Gow, James Corporal; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

Gow, William Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

Graham, Colin, Major; JRH95 dislodges enemy with help of 16th Reg't. and 71st Fraser Highlanders at Savannah, 146

Graham, Hugh Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

Graham, William Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Alexander Wood's Company; JRH95 Disbanded in Canada, 125

Grant, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

Grant, Alexander, Soldier (78th) (Capt. Ranald McDonell's Co.); JRH95 Disbanded in Canada, 124

Grant, Archibald, Ensign, (84th R.H.E. 1st. Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 155

Grant, Colin Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

Grant, David Alex., Capt. (84th R.H.E. lst Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 155

Grant, Hugh Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

Grant, John Corporal; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

Grant, John, Ensign (71st-1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 141

Grant, John, Ensign (71st-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 142; killed in action, 142

Grant, John, Lieut.; JRH95 wounded in action, 148

Grant, Lewis Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

Grant, Robert, Lieut. (71st-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 142

Grant, William Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

Grassell, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

Gray, John Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

Greene [Nathaniel], (American) General; JRH95 advances to Guildford Courthouse, N.C., 149; forced to retreat from, 150

Gregorson, Alexander, Ardtornish, Ensign, (78th); JRH95 commissioned, 68; wounded at Ste.Foy, 105, on Hugh Gaine's list, 126, land grant to, 128

Grey, (Sir) Charles, Major General; JRH95 Stony Point N.Y. taken by British under, 1779, 147

Grey, Donald Sergeant; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

Grubb, Peter Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company; JRH95 Disbanded in Canada, 124

Grubb, William Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

Gunn, Pte. David; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

Gunn, Pte. Donald; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

Gunn, Pte. John ; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

Gunn, Pte. John; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company; JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 124

Gunn, Thomas Drummer; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

Gunn, William, Sgt. (78th) (Capt. Wood's Co.); JRH95 Disbanded in Canada, 125

Gwillim, Thomas, Capt., Major of Brigade; JRH95 serves under Wolfe at Quebec, 70

Hackney, Pte. James; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

Hairdressing see Uniform (78th)

Halberds see Equipment (78th)

Halifax, N.S.; JRH95 assembly of troops in, for invasion of Louisbourg, 41

Hamilton, James Drummer; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company, disbanded in Canada, 124

Hamilton, Thomas, Lieut. (71st-1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 141

Harley, William Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

Harper, J. Ralph, Colonel; JRH95 cites Sgt. Thompson as source for his THE FRASER HIGHLANDERS, 18; "Note on the author", 203

Haviland, Brigadier; JRH95 defeats de Bougainville and Roquemaure at St. John, 112; camps at Longueuil, Que. awaiting Amherst, 112

Hazen, Moses; JRH95 commands Rangers at Quebec, 104; badly wounded, shoots French officer, 104

Henderson, Arch Pte.. ; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

Henderson, Arch Pte.. ; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

Henderson, Colin Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

Henderson, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Compan; JRH95 Disbanded in Canada, 124

Henderson, James Lieut; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Compan; JRH95  commissioned Ensign 68, land grant to, 128

Henderson, James Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

Henderson, James, Lieut. (78th); JRH95 on Hugh Gaine's list, 126

Highland Dress; JRH95 edict against wearing of, 14; penalties for ignoring, 14

Highland Regiments; JRH95 change in numbering of, 16

Highlanders, see Fifteenth Fraser Fencibles Reg't.; Eighty-Fourth Reg't. of Foot; Lovat Scouts; No.4 Commandos Special Service Brigade, (Lord Lovat's); Seventy-Eighth Reg't. of Foot (Fraser Highlanders); Seventy-First Reg't. of Foot; Seventy-Seventh Reg't. of Foot (Montgomerie Highlanders)

Hill, Peter Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

Holborne, [Francis], Admiral; JRH95 returns to Halifax from N.Y., 1757, 41; returns to England, 41

Hopson, Peregrine Thomas, (40th), Major General; JRH95 commands artillery at Louisbourg campaign, 41; letter from Col.Simon Fraser to, re baggage and forage money for Frasers, 42

Hopson's Regiment see Fortieth Reg't. of Foot (Hopson's Reg't.)

Hose see Uniform (78th)

Howe, General; JRH95 commands army in North America, 140

Howe, Lord; JRH95 killed at Ticonderoga, 1758, 59

Howe, William, Colonel; JRH95 commands light infantry at Quebec Battle, 86; troops of, in 1st landing, 86

How's Regiment (Temporary Reg't.); JRH95 in Quebec expedition, 76

Hudson's Bay Historical Association, Frankfurt, Germany; studies 18th and 19th century history of Canada and roll of Scots L80-01-13 (Kraft);  replies to Kraft's letter L80-01-25 (Harper)

Hunter, Eliza Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

Hunter, James Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

Hutchinson, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

Hutchison, Robert, Lieut. (71st-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 142

Ile Ste. Hélène:   plans, buildings, quais, owners, documents of, L73-01-26 (Pinard)

Innes, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

Innes, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

Intolerable Act see Quebec Act, 1774

Irving, Donald Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

Irving, Lachlan Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

Isle Royale, Cape Breton see Louisbourg

Ivers, Thomas, [civilian ropemaker]; JRH95 prepares feast for Sgt. Fraser's acquittal on murder charges, 62; offers daughter in marriage to Sgt. Thompson, 64

Jackets (Uniform) see Uniform (78th)

Jackson, David Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company

Johnson, (Sir) William; JRH95 receives advice from Capt. Thomas Butler at Fort Stanwix about possible scalping parties, 65; leads Indian Loyalists against Montreal under Amherst, 112, 113; releases native Indian army from service, 116

Johnson, Ranal Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company d

Johnston, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company; JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 125

Johnston, James Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company; JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 125

Johnstone, Chevalier de; JRH95 Escapes to France after Battle of Culloden, 9

Kanavan, (tailor) (78th); JRH95 Irish soldier serves with Frasers, 57

Keith, Robert Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

Keith's and Campbell's Regiment   see   Eighty-Seventh Regiment of Foot

Kennedy, Alexander Corporal; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

Kennedy, Angus Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company

Kennedy, Donald Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

Kennedy, Duncan Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

Kennedy, Duncan Pte.; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

Kennedy, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Alexander Wood's Company; JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 125

Kennedy, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company

Kennedy, John Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

Kennedy, John Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company; JRH95 Disbanded in Canada, 124

Kennedy, Mary Pte.; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

Kennedy's Regiment see Forty-Third Reg't. of Foot

Keppel, (Hon.) Augustus; JRH95 land grant to, island of St. John, 129

Kerr, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

Kilt, Short (78th) see Uniform (Philibeg)

Kinloch, David, Lieut. (71st-1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 141

Kirdy, Catherine Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

Knight, James Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

Knowles, Phanis Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

Knox, John, Capt.; JRH95 describes arrival of British ships at Quebec, May 1760, 107

Lace (78th), see Uniform (78th)

Lamb, Pte. James; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

Lamb, Pte. John; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company; JRH95 Corporal disbanded in Canada, 123

Lamont, Hugh, Lieut. (71st-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 142

Lamont, Norman, son of the Laird of Lamont, Major (71st-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 142

Lanaudiere, [Charles François de, French Commissary of Prisoners; JRH95 kind treatment of Black Watch, 115

Land Grant Petitions:  remarks on discrepancy between number of applications and number given L83-08-10 (Harper)

Land Grants; JRH95 petition of Col.Simon Fraser for self and 78th Reg't., 127, 128; approval for, 129; described, 130, 131

Lascelles' Regiment see Forty-Seventh Regiment of Foot (Lascelles' Reg't.)

Laurence's (Lawrence's) Regiment see Sixtieth Reg't. of Foot (3rd Bn.) (Lawrence's Reg't.)

Lawrie, Andrew, Capt. (71st-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 142

Lawson, Alexander, (78th); JRH95 marries French Canadian after disbandment, 122

Lawson, James Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

Lawson, James Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

Leith, Sgt., (78th), Quarter-Master; JRH95 prank played on, by Ballinagage, 120

Leslie [Matthew], Capt., Ass't. to Deputy Quarter-Master General; JRH95 serves with Wolfe in Quebec, 70; ordered to provide troops with fishing gear, 73

Levache, Donald Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company

Lévis, Chevalier de, General; JRH95 at Ticonderoga, 59; criticizes Vaudreuil for withdrawing French Army from Quebec, 93; French army of, controls much of Canada after capitulation of Quebec, 98; sails to Quebec with extra regiments, 102; advances to St. Augustin and Ste. Foy, 103; drafts terms of capitulation of Montreal with Vaudreuil, 112; burns French colours at St. Helen's Island, 113

Lincoln, [Benjamin], General; JRH95 inhibits Prevost's advance on Charleston, 144

Livingston, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

Livingston, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

Livingston, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

Livingston, John Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

Lizotte, (Mme.) Fraser, of Rivière du Loup; JRH95 Owner of Capt. Malcolm Fraser's relics, see FRASER, MALCOLM, Lieut.

Loudoun, Lord; JRH95 Commander-in-Chief of British forces in North America, 41; orders Frasers to N.Y. Oct. 1757, 41; recalled by Pitt, 41; receives report on Highlanders from Col. Fraser, 41, 42; orders to Col. Fraser on arrival in N.Y., Oct.1757

Louisbourg Grenadiers see Fortieth Reg't. of Foot (Hopson's Reg't.) (Louisbourg Grenadies); also Forty-Fifth Reg't. of Foot (Warburton's Reg't.) (Louisbourg Grenadiers); also Twenty-Second Reg't. of Foot (Whitmore's Reg't.) (Louisbourg Grenadiers)

Louisbourg; JRH95 importance of, to France, 46; first attempt to seize, by British, abandoned, 41; importance of, to British colonies, 1745-48, 47; capitulation of, by French, 1758, 50

Lovat Clan see Fraser Clan also Fraser of Lovat Family

Lovat Scouts; JRH95 raised by Simon Joseph Fraser, 16th Lord Lovat, 1899, 164; serve in Boer War, 164; uniform of, 165; training, 167; brief history of, 164-191;source of thesisi on mountain warfare training in Canada L76-05-21 (MacIntosh); info. on Scouts from MacIntosh sent to JRH L76-05-28 (Ostiguy); acknowledged L76-06-07 (Harper); Directorate of History, Ottawa to send info. on Scouts; also suggests Azar at War Museum as source, L76-06-10 (Suthren);  replies to JRH request for info. L76-06-15 (MacIntosh); thanks MacIntosh for suggesting  Neave-Hill as source of info. L76-06-23 (Harper); asks Neave-Hill for info. WWII Lovat Scouts history L76-06-23 (Harper);. receives info on Lovat Scouts 1939-1946 L76-06-28 (Melville); photos of Lovat Scouts sent  L76-07-10 (Melville);  sends photocopies and suggests JRH write to Melville L76-07-14  (Lawrie);  tells Lawrie  will seek permission to use Melville's photos in 2nd ed. L76-07-20 (Harper);  photos of Scouts returned to Melville L76-08-13 (Lawrie) ; suggestions and corrections re Scouts  to mss. 2nd ed.L76-08-14 (Melville);  offers to read mss. section on Lovat Scouts; permits use of photos and sends others; received copy of Colonel Harper's March L76-09-08 (Melville);  acknowledges revised draft of  chapter on Lovat  Scouts; makes more suggestions L76-09-13 (Melville);  thanks Melville for photos;  comments on condition L76-09-20 (Harper);  thanks Melville for  suggestions and corrections to mss. L76-09-20 (Harper);  Ministry of Defence, London, sends list of diaries of Lovat Scouts 1939-45 in PRO L76-10-04 (Forey);  sends additional corrections for mss 2nd ed. L76-10-04 (Melville); thanks Melville for photos for 2nd ed. L76-10-21 (Harper);  sends captions for photos L76-10-21 (Melville);  sends corrections omitted earlier for mss. L76-10-22 (Melville);   send amended mss.  pages L76-11-02 (Harper);  requests  deletion personal reference to Melville in 2nd  ed. L76-11-08 (Melville);  sends Melville amended pages of draft for 2nd ed. L76-12-06 (Harper);  emphasizes desire for anonymity in photo L76-12-18  (Melville)      suggests that JRH crib notes on Lovat Scouts from his book L77-09-12 (Lovat); pleased with section on Lovat Scouts in 2nd ed. L79-09-15 (Cameron)

Lovat see Fraser of Lovat

Lovat, 17th Lord see under Fraser, Simon Joseph, Brigadier, 17th Lord Lovat

Lowe, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

MacArthur, ALLAN, Soldier, (78th), (Capt. John McDonell's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 124

MacArthur, Major, (71st); JRH95 tactics cause Americans and French to fire on each other, 146

MacBean, Donald, Capt. Lieut., (78th); JRH95 land grant to, 128

MacBean, John, Lieut., (78th); JRH95 wounded at Ste. Foy, 105

MacCulloch, Kenneth; JRH95 land grant to, 128

Macdonald of Clanranald:  re tartan worn at Culloden L73-01-11 (Mackay)

MacDonald, Alex. Lieut. (84th R.H.E.- 2nd bn.); JRH95 commissioned 1775, 156

MacDonald, Alexander, Capt. (84th R.H.E.-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned 1775, 156

MacDonald, Alexander, son of Barisdale, Lieut. (78th); JRH95 commissioned, 67, killed in action, 67

MacDonald, Allen, Capt. (84th R.H.E. 2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 1775, 156

MacDonald, Angus, Quarter-Master (84th R.H.E.-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned 1775, 156

Macdonald, Donald (Capt.) (78th), settler in New York L64-01-26 (Jones)

MacDonald, Donald, brother of Clanranald, (78th); JRH95 commissioned 1757, 16; on official return, 45; commissioned major, 67; killed in action, 67

MacDonald, Donald, Capt. (78th); JRH95 commands company, 42; assigns sergeant duty to James Thompson, 54; wounded at Louisbourg, 1758, 57; in lead boat with Wolfe and Capt.Fraser for landing troops at Quebec, 87; leads Highlanders up cliff at Quebec, 87; takes French prisoners at St.Augustin, 101; killed in action, 103

MacDonald, Donald, Capt. (78th); JRH95 left sick at Glasgow, May 10, 1757, 45

MacDonald, Ewen, Lieut. (78th); JRH95 wounded at Montmorency, 82

MacDonald, Hector, brother of Boisdale, Lieut. (78th); JRH95 commissioned, 1757, 17, 67; killed in action, 67, 103

Macdonald, John Sanfield (Glengarry Militia, 1842): sends JRH  requested info. on, L64-09-25 (Stewart)

MacDonald, John, Ensign, (84th R.H.E.-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 1776, 156

MacDonald, Keneth, Ensign, (84th R.H.E.-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 1775, 156

MacDonald, Lieut. Col. (71st-2nd Bn.); JRH95 in attack on Boston Creek, 144

MacDonald, Robert, Lieut. (71st-1st.Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 141

Macdonell see also Macdonnell also McDonnell

Macdonell, Charles, Capt. (78th); JRH95 on Hugh Gaine's list, 121

Macdonell, Charles, of Glengarry, Capt. (78th); JRH95 wounded at Ste. Foy, 105; mortally wounded in Newfoundland campaign, 121

Macdonell, Charles, of Glengarry, Lieut.; JRH95 commissioned, 17, 67, killed in action, 67

Macdonell, John, of Lochgarry, Major (71st-1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 141, dies 1789, 141

Macdonell, John, Soldier, (78th), (Capt.Wood's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 125

Macdonell, Ronald, Capt. (78th); JRH95 land grant to, 126;

Macdonell, Ronald, Lieut., (78th); JRH95 commissioned, 126

Macdonnell, Allan, Capt. (84th R.H.E.-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned 1775, 156

Macdonnell, John, Lieut. (84th R.H.E.-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 1775, 156

Macdonnell, John, of Lochgarry, Maj. (78th); JRH95 commissioned capt. 1757, 16; commands company, 42; on official return, 45; commissioned major, 67; with company in winter quarters, 1760-61, 117

Macdougal see also Macdougall

Macdougall, John, Lieut. (71st-1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned Lieut., 141

MacIntosh, Aeneas, Capt., (71st); JRH95 company of, attacked at sea, 139

Mackay, William:  family history of, since 1160 L72-11-10 (Mackay); descendant of Frasers of Belladrum and the Lovat line L72-11-23 (Mackay);  sends more family history L72-12-15 (Mackay)  reference to family connection with Battle of Waterloo L72-12-15;  offers to edit any Gaelic used in 2nd ed. F.H.L72-12-15;  related through wife to Macdonald of Glenaladale and relationship to Marshal Macdonald L73-01-11 (Mackay); more biographical details L73-01-12 (Mackay); continues family history; criticism of uniform prints;  describes family-owned artefacts;  sends copy of his  Some Notes on Highland Weapons   L73-01-27 (Mackay);  more family history L73-03-02 (Mackay);  to attend wedding of Jean Fraser, descendant ot the Balnain family L73-11-26 (Mackay); related to Chisholms L75-02-14 (Mackay); tells of experience in France during WWI;  relationship to Frasers of Belladrum L75-04-03 (Mackay);  anticipates JRH's visit to Scotland L75-07-27 (Mackay); Mackay Chief of Piping Society (Scotland) L76-08-11 (Mackay);has lost Abertarff copy of Simon Fraser miniature L76-09-03 (Mackay);  thanks Mackay for colored copy of miniature of Simon Fraser to be used on cover of 2nd ed F.H.;  suggests Wolfe's  Orders should be kept in Inverness L76-09-21 (Harper);  sends family history of Donald Mackay of Achmanie and brother Patrick (78th Reg't.) L78-01-02 (Mackay)

Mackchesney see Mckee

Mackellar, [Patrick]; JRH95 Sub-director and chief engineer under Wolfe at Quebec, 70

Mackenzie, George, Sgt., (78th), (Capt. Cameron's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 123

Mackenzie, James, Ensign, (78th); JRH95 commissioned, 68; land grant to, 128

Mackenzie, John, (78th); JRH95 marries French Canadian after disbandment, 122

Mackenzie, John, Lieut. (71st-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 142

Mackenzie, Sgt., (78th); JRH95 killed at Cormorandière Cave, Louisbourg, 1758, 48

Mackenzies, James, Lieut. (78th); JRH95 on Hugh Gaine's list, 126

Mackintosh, Aeneas, of Mackintosh, Capt. (71st-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 142

Mackintosh, Angus, of Kellachy, Capt. (71st-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 142, dies in South Carolina, 1780, 142

Maclean (Mrs.); JRH95 offers hospitality in Ireland to Fraser Highlanders, 39

Maclean, Arch., Lieut. (84th R.H.E.-1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 1775, 155

Maclean, Archibald, Lieut. (71st-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 142

Maclean, Hector, Adjutant, (84th R.H.E.-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 1778, 156

Maclean, Hector, Ensign (84th R.H.E.-1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 1775

Maclean, Hector, Ensign (84th R.H.E.-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned 1775, 156

Maclean, Hector, Lieut. (84th R.H.E.-1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 1775, 155

Maclean, John, Capt. Lieut. (84th R.H.E.-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned 1778, 156

Maclean, John, Lieut. (84th R.H.R.-1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 1775

Maclean, John, Surgeon (78th); JRH95 commissioned, 1757, 17, 68; on Hugh Gaine's list, 127; land grant to, 128

Maclean, Lauchlan, Lieut. (84th R.H.E.-1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 1775, 155

Maclean, Lauchlan, Quarter-Master, (84th R.H.E.-1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 1775, 155

Maclean, Neil, Capt. (84th R.H.E.-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned 1775, 156

Maclean, Neil, Lieut. (84th R.H.E.-1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 1775, 155

Macleane, Henry, Lieut., (78th); JRH95 land grant to, island of St.John, 129

Macleane, Lauchlan, Secretary to Earl of Shelbourne; JRH95 land grant to, island of St.John, 129

Macleod, Norman, Ensign, (78th); JRH95 on Hugh Gaine's list, 126; land grant to 128

Macleod, Roderick, Lieut. (71st-1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned Lieut., 141

Macneil, Donald, Ensign (78th); JRH95 commissioned, 68

Macneil, Roderick, of Barra, Lieut., (78th); JRH95 commissioned, 67; killed in action, 67

MacPherson, (Rev.) Robert, Capt., Chaplain, (78th); JRH95 commissioned staff officer, 1757, 17, 18; commissioned chaplain, 68; on Hugh Gaine's list, 126

Macpherson, Charles, Adjutant (78th); JRH95 land grant to, 128

Macpherson, Corporal, (78th); JRH95 defuses shell aimed at Fraser Grebadiers, 56; fences with and disarms a French Grenadier, 111

Macpherson, Donald, Corporal (78th), (Capt. Ranald McDonell's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 124

Macpherson, Duncan, Lieut.-Col., (71st-1st Bn.); JRH95 commands first battalion, 144; leads action against enemy, 144

Macpherson, Duncan, of Cluny, Major (71st- 1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 141; retires, 1791; dies, 1820, 141

Macpherson, Edward, Sgt. (78th), (Capt. Alexander Campbell's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 124

Macpherson, Evan, Corporal (78th), (Capt. Alexander Campbell's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 124

Macpherson, Henry, Ensign (71st-1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 141

Macpherson, Henry, Lieut. (71st); JRH95 killed in action at Savannah, 146

Macpherson, John, Capt. (78th); JRH95 commands company, 42; on official return, 43, 45; wounded at Montmorency, 82

Macpherson, John, Ensign, (78th); JRH95 on Hugh Gaine's list, 126

Macpherson, John, Major, brother of Cluny, (78th); JRH95 commissioned Capt. 1757, 16; commissioned major, 67

Macpherson, Lach, Mate, (78th); JRH95 land grant to, 128

Macpherson, Lachlan, (78th); JRH95 land grant to, 128

Macpherson, Robert, Capt., (78th); JRH95 land grant to, 128

Macshimi; JRH95 meaning of, 3; name given to eldest son, House of Lovat, 3MacTavish, John, Lieut. (78th); JRH95 land grant to, 128

Main, Charles, Ensign (71st-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 142

Maitland          , Thomas Pte.; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

Maitland, [the Hon. Richard]; JRH95 Major of Brigade for Quebec expedition, 70

Maitland, Hon. Lieut. Col. (71st-2nd Bn.); JRH95 serves under General Prevost, 144-146; succeeds Col. Campbell in command of 71st Reg't., 144; at Boston Creek, 144; son of the Earl of Lauderdale, 146; dies of wounds at Savannah, 146; advised Gen'l. Washington that Highlanders would wear distinguishing red feathers in bonnets, 147

Malcolm, Allan, Ensign, (71st-1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned ensign, 141

Marines, in Quebec expedition, 76

Marks, Armourers'   see   Armourers' Marks

Martin, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

Masonic Order (Seventy-Eighth Regiment of Foot , Fraser Highlanders)   see   Free  Masons (Fraser Highlanders)

Masons (Secret Order)   see   Free Masons : 

Massacre of Glencoe film to be previewed in Scotland L73-01-03 (Harper); change in date for, L73-02-19 (Harper)

Maxwell, Hamilton, Capt. (71st-1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 141; dies in India, 1794, 141

McAdam          , George Pte.; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

McAdam, George, Private (78th) (Maj. Abercrombie's Reg't.), Disbanded in Canada, 123

McALISTER, ARCHIBALD, (78th), land grant to, 128

McAllister,  Lieut Arch; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

McAllister, Archibald, ensign, (78th); JRH95 commissioned, 1757, 17

McAllister, Archibald, of Loup, Lieut. (78th); JRH95 commissioned, 68; on Hugh Gaine's list, 126

McAllister, Lieut. (78th); JRH95 advises Sgt. Thompson to incarcerate himself, 55; marries French Canadian after disbandment, 122

McAllum, John Sergeant; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

McAlpin, Daniel Sergeant; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

McArthur, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company; JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 124

McArthur, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

McArthur, Allen Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

McArthur, Allen Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

McArthur, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

McArthur, Duncan Corporal; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

McArthur, Duncan Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

McArthur, John Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

McArthur, Niel Pte.; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

McBain, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

McBain, John Pte.; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

McBain, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

McBain, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

McBain,Donald Cap-Lt; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

McBean, Donald Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

McBean, Evan Pte.; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

McCallum, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

McCarly, John Corporal; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

McCarter, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

McCauley, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

McColl, Donald Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

McColl, Evan Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

McColl, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

McCrae, Donald Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

McCraw, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company

McCraw, Duncan Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

McCraw, Duncan Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

McCraw, Duncan Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

McCraw, Duncan Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

McCraw, Hugh Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

McCulean, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

McCulloch, Andrew Pte.; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

McCulloch, Colin Pte.; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

McCulloch, James Pte.; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

McCulloch, Jean Pte.; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

McCulloch, Kenneth Ensign; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company; JRH95 on Hugh Gaine's list, 126

McCutchen, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company

Mcdean, Daniel, Lieut. (78th); JRH95 on Hugh Gaine's list, 126

McDonald, Alex Corporal; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

McDonald, Alex Pte. ; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

McDonald, Alex Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

McDonald, Alex Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

McDonald, Alex Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

McDonald, Alexander, Lieut. (78th); JRH95 commissioned 1757, 17

McDonald, Alexander, Lieut. (84th R.H.E.-2nd Bn.; JRH95 commissioned, 1775, 156

McDonald, Alexander, Sgt. (78th), (Capt. John McDonell's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 124

McDonald, Allen Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

McDonald, Allen Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

McDonald, Allen Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

McDonald, Allen Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

McDonald, Angus Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

McDonald, Angus Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

McDonald, Angus Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

McDonald, Angus Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

McDonald, Arch Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

McDonald, Cath Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company

McDonald, Charles, Lieut. (84th R.H.E.-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned 1775, 156

McDonald, Donald Drummer; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

McDonald, Donald Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Alexander Wood's Company

McDonald, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

McDonald, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

McDonald, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

McDonald, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

McDonald, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

McDonald, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

McDonald, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

McDonald, Donald, Major, (84th Reg't. R.H.E.-1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned 1775, 155

McDonald, Donald, Private (78th), (Major Abercrombie's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 123

McDonald, Donald, Soldier (78th), (Capt. John Fraser's Co.); JRH95 Disbanded in Canada, 124

McDonald, Duncan Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

McDonald, Eliza Pte.; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

McDonald, Evan Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

McDonald, Hector, Lieut. (78th); JRH95 wounded at Montmorency, 82; wounded at Ste. Foy, 105

McDonald, James Corporal; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

McDonald, James, Lieut. (84th R.H.E.-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned 1775, 156

McDonald, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

McDonald, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

McDonald, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

McDonald, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

McDonald, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

McDonald, John Pte.; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

McDonald, John Pte.; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

McDonald, John, Capt. (84th R.H.E.- 2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 1775, 156

McDonald, John, Lieut. (78th); JRH95 wounded at Louisbourg, 1758, 57

McDonald, Lachlan Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

McDonald, Mary Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

McDonald, Nearow Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

McDonald, Niel Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

McDonald, Ranald (ii), Lieut. (84th R.H.E-1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned 1776, 155

McDonald, Ranald, (i) Lieut. (84th R.H.E.-1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 1766,155

McDonald, Ranald, Adjutant, (84th R.H.E.-1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 155

McDonald, Robert Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

McDonald, Ronald, Capt. (78th); JRH95 on Hugh Gaine's list, 126

McDonald, Ronald, son of Keppoch, Lieut. (78th); JRH95 commissioned, 1757, 17

McDonald, Rory Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

McDonald, William Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

McDonald, William Pte.; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

McDonell, Alex Pte.. ; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

McDonell, Alexander Corporal; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company

McDonell, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company

McDonell, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

McDonell, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

McDonell, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

McDonell, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

McDonell, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

McDonell, Alexander Sergeant; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

McDonell, Alexander, Corporal, (78th), (Capt. Ranald MacDonell's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 124

McDonell, Allan Sergeant; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

McDonell, Allan, (i) Private (78th), (Capt. Alexander McLeod's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 123

McDonell, Allan, (II), Private (78th), (Capt. Alexander McLeod's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 123

McDonell, Allan, Sgt. (78th) (Capt. John Nairne's Co.), disbanded in Canada, 124

McDonell, Angus Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

McDonell, Angus Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

McDonell, Angus Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

McDonell, Angus Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

McDonell, Angus Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

McDonell, Angus Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

McDonell, Angus Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

McDonell, Angus, Ensign, (71st-1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 141

Mcdonell, Angus, Sgt.(78th) (Capt. Alexander McLeod's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 123

McDonell, Archibald Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

McDonell, Archibald Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

McDonell, Archibald, Ensign, (84th R.H.E.-1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 1776, 155

McDonell, Arnold Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

McDonell, Charles Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

McDonell, Colin Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

McDonell, Donald Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

McDonell, Donald Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

McDonell, Donald Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

McDonell, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

McDonell, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

McDonell, Douglas Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

McDonell, Duncan, Private, (78th) (Capt. Cameron's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 124

McDonell, Evan Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

McDonell, Ewen Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

McDonell, Hugh Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

McDonell, James Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Alexander Wood's Company

McDonell, James Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

McDonell, James Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

McDonell, James, Sgt. (78th), (Capt. John Fraser's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 124

McDonell, John Drummer; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

McDonell, John Lieut; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

McDonell, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Alexander Wood's Company

McDonell, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Alexander Wood's Company

McDonell, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Alexander Wood's Company

McDonell, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company

McDonell, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company

McDonell, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

McDonell, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

McDonell, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

McDonell, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

McDonell, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

McDonell, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

McDonell, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

McDonell, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

McDonell, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

McDonell, John, Capt. (78th); JRH95 on Hugh Gaine's list, 127, 129

McDonell, John, Corporal, (78th), (Capt. Wood's Co, ); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 125

McDonell, John, Drummer (78th), (Major Abercrombie's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 123

McDonell, John, of Lecks, Lieut. (78th); JRH95 commissioned 1757, 68; on Hugh Gaine's list, 126

McDonell, Peter Pte.; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

McDonell, Ranald Captain; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

McDonell, Ranald Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Alexander Wood's Company

McDonell, Rand, Sgt. (78th), (Capt. Wood's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 78

McDonell, Rand, Soldier (78th), (Capt. Wood's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 125

McDonell, Robert Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company

McDonell, Roderick Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Alexander Wood's Company

McDonell, Roderick Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

McDonell, Ronald Pte.; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

McDonell, Rony, drummer, (78th) (Capt. Alexander McLeod's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 123

McDonell, Samuel Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

McDonnell, William, (Lieut.) (78th); JRH95 commissioned 1757, 17, 67

McDougal, Alex Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

McDougal, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Alexander Wood's Company

McDougal, John, Lieut. (78th); JRH95 commissioned, 1757, 17

McDougall, Allen Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

McDougall, Arch Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

McDougall, Duncan Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

McDougall, Duncan, Ensign (84th R.H.E.- 1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 1776, 155

McDougall, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

McDougall, John, Capt. (84th R.H.E.- 1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 1775, 155

McFarlane, Duncan Corporal; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

McFarlane, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

McFarlane, Robert Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

McFee, Duncan, (78th); JRH95 seizes captive French officer's sword, 51-52; given lesson on custom of war by Col. Fraser, 52; remains on sentry duty in water as tide rises, 52, 53; appointed orderly to Gen'l. Wolfe, 53, 54; appointed Sgt., 54

McGillivrae, Farq Pte.. ; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

McGillivrae, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

McGillivrae, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

McGillivrae, William Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

McGillivrae, William Pte.; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

McGillivray, Daniel Drummer; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

McGillivray, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

McGillivray, Donald, Soldier (78th) (Maj. John Campbell's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 124

McGillivray, Evan, Soldier (78th), (Capt. John McDonell's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 124

McGillivray, Ewen Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

McGillivray, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

McGillivray, Tarquhar, Soldier, (78th), (Capt. John Fraser's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 124

McGregor, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

McGregor, Duncan Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

McGregor, Duncan Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

McGregor, Gregor Corporal; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

McGregor, Gregor Pte.; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

McGregor, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

McGregor, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

McGregor, Malcolm Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

McGregor, Margaret Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

McGregor, Peter Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

McGregor, Peter Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

McGregor, Peter Pte.; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

McGrigor, Duncan, Soldier (78th), (Capt. Ranald McDonell's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 124

McGrigor, Grigor, Drummer, (78th), (Capt. Ranald McDonell's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 124

McGruer, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

McIntosh, Angus Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

McIntosh, Donald Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

McIntosh, Donald Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

McIntosh, Donald, Soldier, (78th), (Capt. John Nairn's Co.); JRH95 Disbanded in Canada, 124

McIntosh, Duncan Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company

McIntosh, Eliza Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

McIntosh, Farquhar Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company

McIntosh, James Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

McIntosh, James Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

McIntosh, James Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

McIntosh, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

McIntosh, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

McIntosh, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

McIntosh, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

McIntosh, John, Soldier (78th), (Capt. Wood's Co.); JRH95 Disbanded in Canada, 125

McIntosh, Lach, Soldier (78th), (Capt. Archibald's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 124

McIntosh, Lachlan Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

McIntosh, Larry R.  see   Seventy-Seventh Regiment of Foot

McIntosh, Mary Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

McIntyre, Angus Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company

McIntyre, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

McIntyre, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

McIntyre, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

McIntyre, Duncan Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

McIntyre, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

McIntyre, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

McIntyre, Malcolm Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

McIntyre, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company

McIntyre, Donald, Corporal, (78th), (Capt. Wood's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 125

McIntyre, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

McIntyre, Lachlan Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

McIntyre, Peter Pte.; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

McIver, James Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

McIver, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

McKay, Alexander Sergeant; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company

McKay, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

McKay, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

McKay, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

McKay, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

McKay, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

McKay, Alexander, Sgt. (78th), (Capt. Hugh Fraser's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 125

McKay, Colin Pte.; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

McKay, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

McKay, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

McKay, Evan Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company

McKay, George Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

McKay, Jennet Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

McKay, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company

McKay, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

McKay, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

McKay, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

McKay, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

McKay, John Sergeant; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

McKay, John, Soldier, (78th), (Capt. Alexander Campbell's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 124 

McKay, Peter Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

McKay, Robert Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

McKEE, Corporal, (78th); JRH95 acting Sgt., winter 1758-59, 61; wounds Sgt. Fraser, 61; killed in scuffle, 61; also known as MACKCHESNAY

McKeller, Major see MacKellar

McKennon, Ranald, Capt. (84th R.H.E.-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned 1775, 156

McKenzie, (Rev.), Alex., Chaplain, (84th R.H.E.-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned July 1778, 156

McKenzie, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Alexander Wood's Company

McKenzie, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

McKenzie, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

McKenzie, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

McKenzie, Alexander, Soldier, (78th), (Capt. Wood's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 125

McKenzie, Charles Barrington, Lieut. (71st-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 142

McKenzie, Chr Pte.; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

McKenzie, Colin, Lieut. (then Capt.), (71st.-1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 141; dies 1818, a General, 141

McKenzie, Don, Drummer (78th), (Capt. Wood's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 125

McKenzie, Donald Corporal; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

McKenzie, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

McKenzie, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

McKenzie, Donald, Corporal (78th), (Major Abercrombie's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 123

McKenzie, Duncan Drummer; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

McKenzie, Duncan Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

McKenzie, Duncan Pte.; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

McKenzie, Duncan, Drummer (78th), (Capt. Cameron's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 124

McKenzie, Finlay Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

McKenzie, George Sergeant; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

McKenzie, James Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Alexander Wood's Company

McKenzie, James Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

McKenzie, James Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

McKenzie, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company

McKenzie, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

McKenzie, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

McKenzie, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

McKenzie, John Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

McKenzie, Kenneth Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

McKenzie, Kenneth, Soldier, (Maj. John Campbell's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 124

McKenzie, Murdoch Pte.; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

McKenzie, Roderick Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

McKenzie, Roderick Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Compan; JRH95 Disbanded in Canada, 125

McKinn, Robert Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

McKinnon, Donald Corporal; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Compan; JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 124

McKinnon, Donald Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

McKinnon, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

McKinnon, Donald, Lieut. (84th R.H.E.-1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 1776, 155

McKinnon, Duncan Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

McKinnon, Evan Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

McKinnon, John Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

McKinnon, Lachlan Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Alexander Wood's Company

McKirdy, William Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

McLachlan, Dougal Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

McLachlan, Lachlan, Ensign, (78th); JRH95 commissioned, 1757, 17

McLachlin, Duncan Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

McLachlin, Evan Pte.; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Compan; JRH95  disbanded in Canada, 123

McLachlin, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company

McLaine, Murdoch, Capt. (84th R.H.E.-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned 1775, 156

McLane, Lauchlin, Lieut. (84th R.H.E.-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned 1775, 156

McLaren, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

McLaughlan, John (Dr.) "Father of Oregon"   see   Fraser Family - Descendants

McLean see also McLaine also McLane

McLean, Alex, Ensign, (84th R.H.E.-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 1776, 156

McLean, Allan, of Torloisk, Co. Com. (84th R.H.E. 1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 155; 1st Bn. raised in Quebec by, 153, 154; letter to Haldimand re clothing for 84th Reg't., 157

McLean, Allan; JRH95 brings Fraser Highlanders to defend Quebec, 134; raises 1st Bn. of Royal Highland Emigrant Reg't. in Halifax, 137

McLean, David Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

McLean, David, (78th), Private, (78th), (Capt. Cameron's Co.), disbanded in Canada, 123

McLean, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

McLean, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

McLean, Donald, Lieut. (78th), commissioned, 1757, 17

McLean, Donald, Soldier, (78th), (Capt. Montgomerie's Co.), disbanded in Canada, 125

McLean, Evan Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

McLean, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

McLean, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

McLean, Nicholas Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

McLean, Pte Murdoch.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

McLellan, Rory Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

McLeod, Alexander Captain; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

McLeod, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

McLeod, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

McLeod, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

McLeod, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

McLeod, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

McLeod, Alexander, Capt. (78th); JRH95 wounded at Ste. Foy, 105; company of, disbanded in Canada, 123; land grant to, 127

McLeod, Alexander, Lieut. (78th); JRH95 commissioned, 16, 67;

McLeod, Andrew Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

McLeod, Angus Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

McLeod, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

McLeod, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

McLeod, Donald, Drill Sgt. (78th); JRH95 military background of, 18; among first ashore at Louisbourg, 1758, with Wolfe, 49; captures lighthouse battery, 49;

McLeod, Evan Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

McLeod, James Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

McLeod, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

McLeod, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

McLeod, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

McLeod, John Pte.; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

McLeod, John, Private, (78th), (Major Abercrombie's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 123

McLeod, Kenneth Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

McLeod, Malcolm Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

McLeod, Malcolm Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

McLeod, Norman Ensign; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

McLeod, Norman, of McLeod, (Capt.), (71st- 1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 141; dies 1796, a Lieut.- General, 141

McLeod, Roderick Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

McLeod, Roderick Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

McLeod, William Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

McMaster, Donald Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company

McMickel, John, (Trader); JRH95 buys beaver skins from Indians, 65; scalped by Cayouga Indians, 65

McMillan, Betty Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

McMillan, Donald Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company

McMillan, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

McMillan, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

McMillan, Duncan Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

McMillan, Duncan Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

McMillan, Duncan, Private, (78th), (Capt. Cameron's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 123

McMillan, Evan Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

McMillan, Evan Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

McMillan, Evan Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

McMillan, Evan Pte.; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

McMillan, John Corporal; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

McMillan, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

McMillan, John Pte.; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

McMillan, John Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

McNabb, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

McNabb, Angus Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

McNabb, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

McNabb, William Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

McNair, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

McNaughton, Alex Sergeant; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company; JRH95  disbanded in Canada, 123

McNaughton, Mal Corporal; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

McNaughton, Peter Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

McNeil, Donald, Lieut. (78th); JRH95 wounded at Ste. Foy, 105; on Hugh Gaine's list, 126

McNeil, Rory, of Barra, (78th); JRH95 commissioned 1757, 17

McNicol, Catherine Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

McNicol, Duncan Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

McNicol, Duncan Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

McNicol, John Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

McNiel, Angus Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

McNiel, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

McNiel, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

McNiel, Hector Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

McNiel, Roderick Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

McPerson, Douglas Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

McPherson, Alex Pte.. ; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

McPherson, Alex Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

McPherson, Angus Pte.; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

McPherson, Angus Sergeant; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

McPherson, Chas Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

McPherson, Donald Corporal; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

McPherson, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

McPherson, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

McPherson, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

McPherson, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

McPherson, Edward Sergeant; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

McPherson, Evan Corporal; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

McPherson, James Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

McPherson, James Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

McPherson, John Ensign; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

McPherson, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

McPherson, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

McPherson, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

McPherson, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

McPherson, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

McPherson, John, Soldier (78th), (Capt. Alexander Campbell's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, land grant to, 128

McPherson, John, Soldier, (78th), (Capt. John McDonell's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 124

McPherson, Lachlan Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

McPherson, Lachlan Surgeon; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

McPherson, Lauchlan, Lieut., (78th); JRH95 marries French Canadian after disbandment, 122; on Hugh Gaine's list, 126

McPherson, Mal Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

McPherson, Mary Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

McPherson, Murd., Soldier (78th), (Capt. Hugh Fraser's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 125

McPherson, Murdo Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company

McPherson, Niel Corporal; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

McPherson, Niel Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

McPherson, Robert Chaplain; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

McPherson, Thomas Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

McPherson, Thomas, Soldier (78th), (Capt. Alexander Campbell's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 124

McPhie, Evan Pte.; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

McPhie, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company

McPhie, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

McPhie, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

McPhie, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

McPhie, Malcolm Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

McPhie, Niel Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

McPhie. Duncan Sergeant; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

McQuarie, Lauchlan, Ensign, (84th R.H.E.-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 1778, 156

McQuarry, Pte. Lachlan; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

McQueen,  Ensign James; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Compan; JRH95 on Hugh Gaine's list, 126

McQueen, Archibald Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company

McQueen, James Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

McQueen, James, Soldier (78th), (Capt. Montgomerie's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 125, land grant to, 128

McSwaine, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

McTavish, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company

McTavish, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

McTavish, Duncan Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

McTavish, Hugh Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

McTavish, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

McTavish, Tavish Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

McTormet, Hugh Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

Medals, Quebec;  one in Glenbow Museum collection; one presented to Townshend; one inscribed "William Pitt" L82-06-10 (Agnew)

Medals; JRH95 stuck for Louisbourg victory, 1758, 58

Menzies, Robert Lieut; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

Menzies, Robert, Ensign, (78th); JRH95 commissioned, 68; wounded at Ste. Foy, 105

Menzies, Robert, Lieut. (78th); JRH95 on Hugh Gaine's list, 126; land grant to, 128

Menzies, Robert, Maj. (71st-2nd Bn.); JRH95 sails for America, 139; arrives Boston Harbor, 140; killed in attack by privateers, 140; commissioned, 1776, 142

Miller, George Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company

Mills, William Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

Mitchell, David Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

Mitchell, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company

Mitchell, Lachlan Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

Mollo , B (author of book on uniforms): research visit L66-03-07 (Lawson)

Moncrieff, Capt.; JRH95 chief engineer under Prevost for defence of Savannah, 146

Moncton, [Robert], Brigadier Gen'l; JRH95 appointed 1759, 70; serves under Wolfe in Quebec, 70; commands troops in first landing for Quebec battle, 92; second in command, 92; wounded in Battle, 92; goes to N.Y. to recover, 92

Moncton's Regiment see Sixtieth Reg't. of Foot (2nd Bn.) (The Royal Americans) (Moncton's Reg't.)

Money; JRH95 depreciated value of, 98; sum obtained by Gen'l. Murray on loan at 5%, 98; contribution to loan by Fraser Highlanders, N.C.O.'s and men, 100 see also Forage Money

Montcalm, [ Louis Joseph De Montcalm Gozon, Marquis de]; JRH95 commands French army at Battle of Quebec, 92; mortally wounded, 92, 93; letter to Townshend re treatment of French prisoners, 92; death of, 93

Montgomerie Highlanders see Seventy-Seventh Reg't. of Foot, (Montgomerie Highlanders)

Montgomerie, Archibald, 11th Earl of Eglington, 1726-1796:  advises Bolton that picture received from Scottish National Portrait Gallery is of Hugh, not Archibald L77-02-10 (Harper);  portrait sought L85-02-07 (Bolton);  asks National Portrait  Gallery of Scotland for info. on portrait of, in uniform L85-02-07 (Bolton); requests info. on Montgomerie from Scottish United Services Museum L85-02-07 (Bolton); National Portrait Gallery of Scotland advises that Montgomerie portrait is in private collection and that one is in Buckingham Palace, another in Sweden; Royal Scottish  Museum has photograph L85--02-20 (Marshall);  Scottish United Services Museum  states original portrait of Montgomerie owned by  Lieut.-Cdr. Hamilton sold by  Christie's to U.S. Consortium.  Suggests repro. in J. Telfer Dunbar's History of Highland Dress L85-02-21 (Boag);  requests Portrait Gallery of Scotland for copy of Breda's portrait of the Earl of Eglington L85-06-16 (Bolton);  thanks Boag of  Scottish United Services Museum; emphasizes interest is in 11th not 12th Earl of Eglington L85-05-16 (Bolton)'  National Portrait Gallery of Scotland sends photo of Breda's painting of Eglington,; permission to use must be obtained L85-06-06  (Marshall);  invoice rec'd. for Eglington photo L85-06-17 (Scott)

Montgomerie, Archibald, Lieut.-Col. Com.; JRH95 raises 77th Reg't. (Montgomerie's Highlanders) (1st Highland Bn. of Foot), 15; commissioned 1757, 15; commands battalion, 44

Montgomerie, Capt., commanders Rangers corps, 81; rebuked by Wolfe, 81

Montgomerie, Hugh:  advises Bolton that portrait rec'd. from Scottish National Portrait Gallery if of Hugh, not Archibald L77-02-10 (Harper);  sends portrait of, to Upton   L85-02-07 (Bolton);  states that only portrait in uniform of 77th Reg't. is that of Hugh, 12th Earl of Eglington and the only known portrait of an officer of the 77th

Montgomery, Archibald see Montgomerie

Montgomery, Archibald, 11th Earl of Eglington  see   Montgomerie, Archibald 11th Earl of Eglington

Montgomery, Hugh   see   Montgomerie, Hugh

Montgomery, Hugh, Lieut. (78th); JRH95 land grant to, 128

Montgomery, James, H.M. advocate for Scotland; JRH95 land grant to, Island of St. John, 129

Montgomery, Richard, (American) General; JRH95 invasion of Canada by, 1775, 133; attacks Forts St. John and Chambly, 133, 134; captures Montreal, 134; lays siege to Quebec City, 135; reason for decision to storm city Dec. 31, 1775, 135; dies in attempt, 135; private burial ordered by Carleton, 136; sword kept. by Sgt. Thompson, 136; sword of, believed to be only sword worn by American officer at attack, 136

Montreal Military And Maritime Museum; JRH95 sponsors reraised 78th Reg't. of Foot (Fraser Highlanders), xi, microfilm of Sgt.Thompson's diary in, xiii; Amherst's cannon lost in Lachine Rapids now at, 113

Montreal; JRH95 captured by Montgomery, 1775, 134; recaptured by British, 1776, 136

Montresor, [John], Lieut.; JRH95 serves under Wolfe at Quebec, 70;

Moore, William Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company; JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 124;

Morgan, [Daniel], (American) General; JRH95 as Captain, accompanied Arnold in unsuccessful invasion of Canada 1775-76, 135; wins victory atainst Tarleton [at Battle of Cowpens], Jan. 1781, 149

Morris, Robert Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

Morrison, Angus Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Alexander Wood's Company

Morrison, Angus Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

Morrison, Donald Surg.Mate; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

Morrison, Donald, Soldier (78th), (Capt. Montgomerie's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 125

Morrison, Dr. (for 78th), refused to treat John Fraser, 105

Morrison, Roderick Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

Morrison, Roderick Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

Morton, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

Munchison, John, Ensign (71st-1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 141

Munro, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

Munro, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

Munro, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

Munro, Alexander, Soldier (78th), (Capt. John Nairn's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 124

Munro, Donald Drummer; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

Munro, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

Munro, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

Munro, Donald, Soldier, (78th), (Capt. Montgomerie's Co.); JRH95 Disbanded in Canada, 125

Munro, Finlay Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

Munro, George, Capt. (71st-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 142

Munro, Harry, Lieut. (78th); JRH95 on Hugh Gaine's list, 126; land grant to, 128

Munro, Hector Sergeant; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

Munro, Hector, Corporal, (78th), (Capt. Montgomerie's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 125,

Munro, Hector; JRH95 Joiner, builds cabinet for Sgt. Thompson, 97; dies of wounds, 105

Munro, Henry Ensign, (78th); JRH95 commissioned, 68, wounded at Ste. Foy, 105;

Munro, Henry Sergeant; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

Munro, Hugh Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

Munro, Jane Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

Munro, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

Munro, John Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

Munro, Robert Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

Munro, William Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

Munro, William Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

Murray, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

Murray, Alexander, Lieut.-Col.; JRH95 commands Grenadiers in Quebec, 70; acquires five seigneuries, after disbandment of Reg't., 122

Murray, James Lieut; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company

Murray, James, (78th); JRH95 land grant to, 128

Murray, James, Hon. Brigadier General; JRH95 appointed 1759, 70; brigade of, at Quebec, 70; builds fortification at Ile d'Orléans, 79 commands 1st landing for Quebec Battle, 86; tenuous hold on Quebec in absence of British fleet, 98; money loans secured by Murray and Burton, 98; loans enable Murray to regulate currency, 100; learns of French plans to attack British at Quebec from rescued French soldier, 102, 103; errors in tactics costly during de Lévis' attack, 103; withdraws to Quebec, 104; reports French losses to Pitt, 104; army under siege winter 1759-60, 105-106; army sails to Montreal, 111; lands at Pte.-aux-Trembles, 112; appointed Governor of Montreal, 116; land grant to, Island of St. John, 129

Murray, James, Lieut. (78th); JRH95 commissioned 1758, 68; killed in action, 57, 68; on Hugh Gaine's list, 126

Murray, John, Lieut. (78th); JRH95 commissioned, Feb. 6, 1757, 17

Murray, Lieut. (Lord Loudoun's Staff); JRH95 arranges quarters for 78th Reg't. in Connecticut, 42; killed at Louisbourg, 1758, 57

Murray, Patrick (78th and 71 Regt's):  relative of Wm. Mackay L72-11-10 (Mackay); ref. to, L72-11-17 (Harper);  brother exiled after Culloden, L72-11-23 (Mackay); family history relating to Patrick L72-12-15 (Mackay)

Music, Clan and Regimental Bagpipe, 30

Musket see Equipment (78th)

Muskin, Capt. (15th Reg't.); JRH95 President of Court of Enquiry into charges exacted by Pay Sgt.for subsistence pay, 118; orders refund of illegal charges, 118; Sgt. Thompson praised for honest bookkeeping, 118

Mustard, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

Muster Rolls    see   Rolls, Regimental

Nairn (Nairne), John, Lieut. and Adjutant (78th); JRH95 dirk owned by descendant Mrs.J.Duncan, 21; commissioned, 68; wounded at Ste. Foy, 105; acquires fief of Murray Bay after disbandment of reg't.122; on Hugh Gaine's list, 126; land grant to, 127; commissioned lieut. 71st Reg't. 1st Bn., 141; commissioned Capt. 84th R.H.E. Reg't. 1st Bn., 1775, 155

Newfoundland; JRH95 1762, 121

Nichey, William Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company

Nichols, William Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

Nicholson, Malcolm Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

Nicholson, Malcolm, Chaplain (71st-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 142

Noble, Catherine Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

Noble, Catherine Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

Noble, George Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

Noble, William Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

O'Donnell, Lieut.-Colonel; JRH95 Irishman in service of the French, 49, 50

Ogilvie, J., Quarter-Master (71st-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 142

Orders; JRH95 for overseas service, 37; Wolfe's, Apr.30, 1759, given at Halifax for Quebec expedition, 70-71; final orders at Louisbourg, May 17, 1759, 72-74; Saunder's sailing orders, 74-75; Wolfe's July 6, 1759, given at Pte. Lévis, 79, 80; by Commodore Colville, July 18, 1760, 107

Orléans, Island of; JRH95 British troops land on, June 27, 1759, 76; Townshend occupies and builds fortifications on, 77

Otway's Regiment see Twenty-Ninth Reg't. of Foot (Otway's Regiment)

Patterson Alexander, Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company

Pay Warrrants   see   Warrants, Royal

Peacock, George, (78th); JRH95 land grant to, 128

Peyton [Henry] Lieut., (Royal American Bn.); JRH95 wounded, 83; gallantry of, at Montmorency, 83; expresses gratitude to Sgt. Cameron (78th), 83, 84

Philibeg (short kilt) see ; JRH95(78th)

Pilot, Robert (Can. artist):  paintings for St. Andrew's Ball (1952)  see  St.Andrew's  Ball        

Pinch of Snuff, A  painting by Delacour :  re tartan shown  L64-04-08 (Lawson);;  uniform depicted L64--07-30 (Lawson);  uniform depicted in,  L65-03-16 (Neave-Hill); Highland officer depicted in painting L77-01-25 (Haarmann)

Piper,  (Bagpipes)   see   Equipment - Bagpipes

Piper, Joseph (78th); JRH95 land grant to, 128

Pistols see Equipment (78th)

Pitt, William (1st earl of Chatham); JRH95 reference to Highlanders as intrepid warriors, 14; gives approval for two Highland battalions of Foot, 15; dismisses foreign mercenaries in favor of Highland recruits, 15; asks Archibald Montgomerie and Simon Fraser of Lovat to raise reg't. of clansmen to fight in North America, 15; sends sailing orders to Col. Fraser for North America, 40; desires to expand field of operations in America, 41

Plaid (Uniform) see Uniform (78th)

Plaids; JRH95 used to stop holes in landing craft at Louisbourg, 1758; used as blanket, 64

Plains Of Abraham; JRH95 chosen by Wolfe for Battle of Quebec, 86; battle of, 88-93

Pointe Lévis; JRH95 occupied by British troops, 77

Porterfield, Boyd, Capt. (71st-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 142

Porterfield, William Corporal; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company; JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 124

Pouliot, Louis A.  connection to Fraser Family L64-01-20 (Pouliot);  connection to  Pouliot family (Delage); links Pouliot Family to Frasers L64-04-17 (Pouliot)

Powder Horns see Equipment (78th)

Prevost, [Augustine], General; JRH95 Assumes command of expedition to Georgis, 144; evacuates Augusta, 144; harrassed in retreat, 144; defends Savannah against French (American allies), 145-146

Pringle, James, Ensign, (84th R.H.E. 1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned 1776, 155

Provan, John Drummer; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company; JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 125

Provan, Pte. Alexander; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

Public Archives Of Canada; JRH95 complete list of N.C.O.'s and Highlanders discharged in America, source of, 123

Publication of Books:  memo to Bolton giving details involved in publishing books sent by Valerie Stevens of Hakkert L77-06-16 (Hale)

Purse see Uniform (78th) -sporran)

Quebec Act, 1774; JRH95 significance of, 132

Quebec Battle    see   Battle of Quebec

Quebec Capitulation see Capitulation Of Quebec

Quebec City; JRH95 captured by Kirke Brothers 1629, 69; returned to France, 1632, 69

Quebec Expedition; JRH95 1759, British Regt's. in, 75-76; ships' logs entries, 76-77; account of troops in disarray, 77-78; French gunboat attacks British, 77-78; British land at Quebec, 86; Battle of the Plains of Abraham, 1759, 89-93; British occupation of Quebec, 1759-60, 97-103; effects of illness and scurvy, 98; return of killed and wounded, Wolfe's army, 99; consequences of Townshend's failure to complete Wolfe's victory, 102; British under siege by Lévis, 1760, 104; second battle of Quebec, 1760, 103-104; fired on by French troops, 107; relief arrives for British, troops celebrate, 107; siege raised, 109

Quebec Literary and Historical Society - Historical Documents and Prints:  new source of reprints L73-03-14 (Parkes);  request for list of available publications L73-03-16 (Bolton);  Kraus advises Bolton of available reprints L73-04-10 (Kraus Reprints)

Ramezay, [Jean Baptiste Nicholas Roch], French garrison commander, ordered by Vaudreuil to hold Quebec, 93; receives draft articles of surrender from Vaudreuil; surrenders Quebec to Townshend, 97

Ramsay, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

Ranks, Military:  "Sausage Roll" indicating corporal rank L73-01-12 (Mackay);  use of   "Sausage Roll" by Highland corporals L75-02-14 (Mackay)

Reg' uniform L85-05-29 (Boag)

Regiments, French, at Battle of Quebec, 88; at second Battle of Quebec, 105; some mistaken by Sgt. Thompson for Free Masons, 105;

Reid, John Pte.; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

Reid, Thomas Corporal; RL 1763 Colonel's Company; JRH95 marries French Canadian after disbandment, 122

Rhind, James Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

Rioch, Pte. James; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

Rivière du Loup:   seigniory L64-04-17 (Pouliot)

Robertson, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

Robertson, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

Robertson, Daniel, Capt. (84th R.H.E.-1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned 1775, 155

Robertson, Daniel, Captain (71st); JRH95 relieves Sinclair as Lieut.-Governor of Machilimackinac, 159

Robertson, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

Robertson, Duncan Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

Robertson, James Sergeant; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

Robertson, James, Ensign (84th R.H.E. -2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned 1776, 156

Robertson, James, Sgt. (78th), (Capt. Archibald Campbell's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 124

Robertson, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

Robertson, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

Robertson, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

Robertson, William, Ensign (78th); JRH95 wounded at Ste. Foy, 105

Robertson, William, Lieut. (78th); JRH95 on Hugh Gaine's list, 126

Robinson, Archibald Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

Robinson, Robert Pte.; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

Roger's Rangers; JRH95 in Quebec expedition, 76

Rolf-Clark-Stone 78th Reg't. uniform depicted in calendar, source of painting L64-01-23 (Stewart);  criticizes illustration of uniform L64-02-16  (Clendenin)   see also Uniform (78th Reg't)  

Rollo, (Lord) [Andrew], Colonel; JRH95 Sent by Amherst to take Ile St.Jean, [P.E.I.], 57

Rolls, Regimental:  source of, located in Quebec Archives L70-12-14 (Wilgress);  PRO muster rolls for 78th Reg't. at, non-existent pre 1778 L76-01-12 (Senior);  tells Senior lists for 1757, 1758 and 1760 seem complete as rolls of disbanded; would like to  locate Inverness rolls of enlisted and those embarked L76-01-13 (Harper);  1757  and 1760 lists L76-05-21 (Oborne);  Fort Louisbourg sends Lieut. Fraser's Co. duty  list in St.Lawrence River; nominal rolls for rations and other victualling lists L77-09-22 (Balcom);  thanks Balcom for rolls L77-10-07 (Bolton);  requests PRO London, Treasury Board papers; subsistence rolls of Fraser's Highlanders (78th Reg't.),1763. asks if other records exist L86-12-19 (Bolton)

Roquemaure; JRH95 French officer, troops defeated by Haviland, 112; in council with Vaudreuil for capitulation of Montreal, 113

Rose, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company

Rose, Andrew Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

Rose, Arthur Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

Rose, Arthur, of Kilravock, Lieut. (78th), commissioned, 1757, 68; wounded at Ste. Foy, 105; on Hugh Gaine's list, 126; land grant to, 128;  RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

Rose, William Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

Ross, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

Ross, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company; JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 124

Ross, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

Ross, Catherine Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

Ross, David, Lieut. (71st-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 142

Ross, Donald Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

Ross, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

Ross, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

Ross, Hector Corporal; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company; JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 124

Ross, Hugh Pte.; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

Ross, James Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

Ross, John Corporal; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company; JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 124

Ross, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

Ross, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

Ross, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

Ross, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

Ross, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

Ross, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company; JRH95 marries French Canadian after disbandment, 123; disbanded in Canada, 125

Ross, John, Lieut. (71st-1st Bn.), commissioned, 141

Ross, of Tain, Rosshire, (French) Colonel; JRH95 escapes Louisbourg for Quebec, 53; commands French Reg't. at Quebec, 53; history of, recounted to Sgt.Thompson at Montreal, 115; escapes to France before Quebec siege, 115; kind treatment of captured Black Watch soldiers by, 115; addresses Highland prisoners in Gaelic, 115

Ross, Robert Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

Ross, Thomas Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

Ross, Thomas Pte.; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

Ross, Thomas, of Culrossie, Major (78th), commissioned, 67; killed in action, 67

Ross, William Corporal; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company; JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 124

Ross, William Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

Ross, William Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

Ross, William Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

Royal Americans see Sixtieth Reg't. of Foot (Royal Americans)

Royal Highland Emigrants Regiment   see   Eighty-Fourth Regiment of Foot (Royal Highland Emigrants)

Royal Stuart; JRH95 tartan, 34; influence on design by Gen'l. Murray, 34; continues from 1747-1760, 35; Col. Simon Fraser's letter to Lord Loudoun on, 35; Fraser tartan in Logan's DESCRIPTION OF CLAN TARTANS, 35; see also Fraser Tartan, also Tartan

Royal Warrants   see   Warrants, Royal

Sackville, John, General; JRH95 Wolfe commendation of Highland soldiers to, 50

Saint Andrews Church, Quebec City:  info. requested re fire L74-10-18 (Hale);  reply to Hale letter L74-10-28 (Bragg);   thanks for Church interior postcards;  remarks on reference to Church location in Jesuit Barracks and  Court House building L74-11-19 (Hale);  sends  outline of Church history L74-11-26 (Bragg);  thanks for background information L74-12-02 (Hale)

Sainte Foy; JRH95 General Murray's unsuccessful battle at, April 1760, 103; strength of French and British armies at, 103; enemy movements cause for concern, 100

Saltoun see Frasers of Saltoun

Saunders         , David Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

Saunders, Charles, Vice Admiral; JRH95 role in victory at Louisbourg, 46n; Pitts campaign plan for, to capture Canada, 74; naval command of Quebec expedition, 74; gives sailing orders and instructions for Quebec expedition, 74, 75; advises Pitt of plans to cut supplies to French by River, 85; returns to England, Oct. 1759, 98; land grant to, island of St. John, 129

Sausage Rolls (uniform)   see   Uniform (General)

Schuyler, Philip, (American) General; JRH95 invasion of Canada by, 1775, 133; returns to Albany, 133

Scott, [George], Major; JRH95 commands Rangers for Quebec expedition, 71,

Sénezergues, Sieur de [Général de Brigade]; JRH95 second in command to Montcalm at Battle of Quebec, 92; wounded, 92

Seton, (Sir) Henry, of Abercorn and Culbeg, Major, (78th); JRH95 commissioned, 67

Sett see under Tartan And Sett

Seventy-Eighth Fighting Frasers   see   Fighting Frasers, The  by J.Ralph Harper,1966

Seventy-Eighth Regiment of Foot (Fraser Highlanders) - Animation unit proposal: "Proposal for development of military animation unit of 78th Reg't. c.1759 at Ottawa"  sent to JRH  L84-11-07 (Bolton)

Seventy-Eighth Regiment of Foot (Fraser Highlanders) - Descendants:  William Ross L74-10-19 (Butler);Rory MacNeil L75-02-18 (Whyte);  reply to Whyte L75-02-27 (Harper);  Roderick McNeil of Barra L75-05-19 (Steele); Steele's grandmother's  ancestors were Macdonalds; aunt  was niece of Sir William Macdonald L75-05-19 (Steele); suggests relationship of Steele's aunt to Macdonalds L75-06-03 (Harper) ties with Regiment  L76-01-13 (Carroon);  biographical info. L76-05-21 (Oborne); Francophone son-in-law  possibly a descendant of Donald Blackburn of 78th  Fraser Reg't.  L76-12-07 (Galloway);   tells Galloway a  Blackburn  had worked for Nairne L76-12-17 (Harper);  advises Galloway that JRH is researching Blackburn connection L77-12-16 (Oborne);  ancestor Patrick Mackay of 78th L78-01-02  (Mackay);  Woolsey connection to Wolfe's army sought - related to Sir James MacPherson Lemoine L78-11-10 (Woolsey); sends JRH outline of descent from Blackburn, including Nairne, Abraham Martin and Louis Hébert L79-05-26  (Galloway);  JRH sends Galloway genealogical L79-05-26 (Galloway);   and mentions Nairne relics L79-05-28 (Harper);  seeks further info. on ancestor John  Fraser of 78th Reg't. L79-12-08 (Fraser, Alex.); states ancestor with 78th Reg't.  and asks for ref. sources L79-12-20 (McIntosh);  gives references requested by McIntosh  L80-01-07 (Harper);  Australian asks research  help on Cameron of 78th Reg't.  L80-08-19 (Feehan);  sends Feehan info. on Camerons in 78th Reg't. L80-09-15 (Harper);  requests info. on John Gordon of 78th Reg't. L82-06-26 (Ellison);  tells Ellison George (not John) Gordon with 78th Reg't.; suggests research sources L82-07-14 (Harper);  requests info. on wife's ancestor, chaplain Robert MacPherson of 78th L82-10-22 (Ames);  gives Gleland info. on William Grahame of Capt. Wood's Co. and other ref. sources L83-01-18 (Harper);  suggests to Ames ref. source for chaplain MacPherson L83-01-24 (Harper);  requests info. on Alexander Fraser of  78th Reg't. L83--07-24 (Pooley);  suggests source of info. to Pooley L83-08-02 (Harper);  thanks JRH for help L83-08-09 (Pooley); requests research sources for  ancestor Ross of 78th Reg't. L86-11-06 (Mitchel);  advises Mitchel that Cpl. Wm. Ross and soldier Alexander Ross of Nairne's Co. received subsistence pay and sword money; refers to Upper Canada Land Petition at PAC Ottawa as source L86-11-19 (Bolton)_;  rec'd. from Prescott, Ont. photocopy of Frasers climbing cliffs at Quebec, 1759, owner has metal plate L87-07-23 (Livingston).   see also Fraser Family - Descendants

Seventy-Eighth Regiment of Foot (Fraser Highlanders) - Masonic Order   see   Free  Masons (Fraser Highlanders)

Seventy-Eighth Regiment of Foot (Fraser Highlanders) - Reference sources suggested in  letters:   Antoine Roy; Hôpital Général Langelier Blvd., Quebec City;  Ursuline Convent; Laval University Museum and Maj. Guimond, 22nd Bn. L64-02-20  (Pouliot);  Fort Ticonderoga L64-03-24 (Way);  New Brunswick Museum Library for book on 78th Reg't. by Davidson L64-04-07 (MacBeath);  W.Y. Carman  British Military Uniforms;  C.C.P Lawson;  Benjamin West The Death of WolfeL64-05-07  (Whiford);  French Intelligence Records of 1758/59 L64-09-01 (Harper);  Stewart's Sketches of Highlanders of Scotland,1822 L64-10-13 (Plow);   Carman's British Uniforms;  Highland Heritage L65-02-12 (O'Brien);  Stewart's Sketches of the Highlanders, 1822;  Dunbar's History of Highland Dress;  vol.18-1939  and vol.XX - 1939 J.A.H.R.,  Scottish United Services Museum, Edinburgh, and Dr. Miller. former keeper of   the Scottish National Portrait Gallery; L65-02-26  (Neave-Hill); Collie, Highland Dress L73-03-06 (Harper);  Gaelic Place Names of Upper Strathglass  L74-11-17 (Mackay);  Stewart, The Setts of the Scottish Tartans, L75-03-25 (Harper);  WO12 collection at PRO London; eight collections at PAC  L75-08-15 (Senior);  Northcliffe collection  and Amherst Papers , PAC ,Ottawa L75-10-17(Senior);   Huntington Library mss. docs.L76-03-08 (Forbes);  confusion about dates of some letters in Huntington Library L76-03-22 (Harper);  elucidates  details re Huntington Library lettersL76-04-05 (Forbes);  copies Huntington Library letters ordered L76-04-08 (Bolton);  tells Forbes unable to reconcile chronology  L76-04-12 (Harper);  Huntington Library to send microfilm copies of Fraser letters L76-04-21 (Huntington Library);  sends JRH very specific details to back up chronology, also sends return of 63rd Regiment,1757; L76-04-22 (Forbes);  sends information. on Frasers sojourn in New England,1757 L76-07-01 (Forbes);  informs  Forbes he has acquired Huntington Library microfilm L76-07-14 (Harper);  sends JRH info. on PRO Ottawa document Embarkation Return 1763; reference to John Knox Journal; J.Millen's Succession of Colonels, 1749 re facings;  Hugh Gaine's List...1761; letter from Huntington recommending service of Scotchmen;  Dalhousie Papers re James Thompson and Highland Dress; L83-07-05 (Chartrand);   Bolton requested to obtain PRO documents including Embarkation Return 1763 L83-08-10 (Harper);  remarks to Chartrand re discrepancy bet. land grants applied for by Simon Fraser and number given ; reference to  78th Reg't. plaid  L83-08-10  (Harper); Orders docS. from PRO London  Embarkation Return.1763  L83-08-23  (Bolton);  addresses of Highland outfitters and suppliers of dirks L84--11-07 (Anderson); Salman & Naborough, Birmingham suppliers of uniform equipment L84-12-11  (Bolton); portrait of 1st Sutherland Fencibles; 1763; portrait of Lord Loudoun, details from West's Death of Wolfe L85-01-28 (Upton)   Montgomerie portrait in Royal Collection at Buckingham Palace,  and one in Sweden by C..F. Von Breda.; Royal Scottish Museum has photograph L85-02-20 (Marshall);  provenance and disposal of Montgomerie portrait;  repro. in Dunbar's History of Highland Dress L85-02-21 (Boag);  Upton's sketches for buckles  and crossbelt mid 18th cent., shoe  buckle details  and sergeant's sash for 84th Reg't. RHE L85-04-19 (Harper);  only  known portrait of officer 77th Reg't. is Hugh Montgomerie, 12th Earl of Eglington L85-06-06 (Marshall);  PAC Ottawa source of Upper Canada Land Petitions  list of officers and men of 78th Reg't. by Company L86-11-17 (Bolton);  PRO  London  source of Subsistance rolls of Fraser's Highlanders L86-12-19 (Bolton); Researchers recommended by PRO London A.A. Deane and Dr. L. Craven L87-01-13;  (Public Records Office);  Microfiche of The Conquest of Canada or the Siege of Quebec by Cocking located at McGill University, Periodicals Room L91-05-17 (Meillon)

Seventy-Eighth Regiment of Foot (Fraser Highlanders) - Reraised Regiment:  regrets cannot contribute to project L66-01-14 (Molson; advises Maj.-Gen'l. Bernatchez on  progress in raising platoon L66-03-11 (Harper); regrets City of Westmount cannot provide funding L66-11-10 (Tucker); asks participation of Frasers (and Franches) at Gala of Governor General's Foot Guards L71-03-03 (Galloway);  regulations for saluting by L72-07-08 (Bolton);  would like to buy one of Bolton's 78th Reg't. kilts L76-03-08  (Forbes);  Dr. D.George Fraser pleased to accept commission with Reg't. L76-11-19 (Harper);  sends sample of cloth for  78th Fraser tie L77-05-25  (Watson); invites Simpson to see drill parades L77-06-15 (Harper);  source of shoes in Massachusetts and swords in England L79-03-25 (Upton);  writes Stanley Paget  of Dundee of possible donation of badger fur for Fraser sporrans L79-09-11 (Bolton); from Frankfurt, Germany request for information on uniform L80-01-13 (Kraft); protests errors by Globe and Mail  re tartan,etc. L80-05-27 (Harper);; letter of protest re article by Dr. Mitchell Macdonald, curator of Museum of Scottish tartans in Globe and Mail  L80-05-27 (Harper);  regrets that Reg. Hale will step down as CO of  outpost;  thanks him for text of commissioning and induction of volunteer sgts.and officers L81-06-03 (Harper);  requests help to raise unit of Frasers of Seven Years' War period L82-06-30 (Hoeffinger);  suggests to Hoeffinger 1st and 2nd editions of Harper's book for research and suggests he contact Robin Upton L82-07-19 (Bolton) direct  descendant of John Nairne of 78th Reg't. wishes to become sergeant of  the  reconstituted reg't. L82-08-06 (MacMillan);  pleased to know that Gordon McK.  Booth father of four members reconstituted  Fraser Reg't. L83-01-24 (Harper); sends Helen MacMillan info. on becoming a Milady of the Regiment.L83-09-21  (Harper) 

Seventy-Eighth Regiment of Foot (Fraser Highlanders) - Uniform  see  Uniform (78th) also  Seventy-Eighth Regiment of Foot (Fraser Highlanders) - Reraised Regiment

Seventy-Eighth Regiment of Foot (Fraser Highlanders) -: Rolls - Regimental:   source of  regimental rolls L67-03-08 (Richardson); refers JRH to source of  regimental rolls L70-12-14 (Wilgress); locates source of regimental rolls L76-05-21 (Oborne);  asks  PRO London for more legible copy of subsistence rolls for Frasers; asks if other records exist L86-12-19 (Bolton);  asks  Les Archives des Ursulines de Québec for any records relating to Reg't. L87-01-12 (Bolton);  orders records from PRO  London L87-02-05 (Bolton)   see also  Rolls, Regimental

Seventy-Eighth Regiment of Foot (Fraser Highlanders) Reg't. raised by Simon, Master of Lovat, 1757, 6; raised as second Highland Battalion of Foot, Jan.5, 1757, 15, 16; originally numbered 63rd Reg't. of Foot, 16; regimental motto, 16; regimental pipe music, 16; original commissioned officers, 16, 17; uniform of, see under UNIFORM (78th); colours, (Royal Warrant) 21, 22; at St.Andrew's Church, Quebec City, 22; weapons and equipment see under EQUIPMENT (78th); Bagpipe Music, see under MUSIC, Clan and Regimental Bagpipe,; Tartan and Sett see under TARTAN AND SETT; Reg't. ordered for overseas service, 1757, 37; ordered to Northern Ireland, 37; Sgt. Thompson's account of, 37-40; Piper sounds fire alarm, 38; response of Highlanders, 41; earn gratitude of Irish hosts, 39; embark for North America, May 14, 1757, 41; strength of, April 1757, May 1758, 16, 41; arrival at Halifax, Aug.1757, 41; after failed attempt on Louisbourg, some Frasers left at Nova Scotia, others send to New York, 41; ordered to Connecticut by Loudoun, 42; strength of Reg't. according to French intelligence, 1758, 44; official return of the 63rd (78th) Reg't. by Simon Fraser, N.Y., Nov. 1757, 45; three additional companies of Frasers arrive from Britain in N.Y., Mar. 11, 1758, 47; all return to Halifax, Apr. 1758, 47; Frasers supply one hundred to light infantry, 47; serve under Amherst at Louisbourg, 47; train under Wolfe in Halifax for Louisbourg attack, 47, 48; plaids used to plug bullet holes in boats, 49; Frasers surprise French at outpost, 49, 50; death of Capt. Charles Baillie, 49; Frasers complimented by Wolfe in letter to Sackville, 50; Kanavan only non-Scotchman serving with Reg't., 57; responsiveness of French women to kind treatment by, 57; sent to winter quarters in New England, 58; fourteenth company of Frasers arrive in Halifax, July 1759, 58; arrive in Quebec Sept. 4, 1759, 58; report Frasers drunk for 3 days on rum in Boston, 59; march from Boston to Albany Aug.-Oct.1758, 60; help complete Fort Stanwix, 60; ordered to Oneida by Abercrombie, 60; Detachments spread from Schenectady to Fort Stanwix from Oct. 1758 to April 1759, 61; disgrace of Drummer Wilkie and later employment as personal servant to Gen'l. Amherst, 63; Highlanders chosen by Wolfe for expedition to Quebec, 66; march to N.Y. to sail for Louisbourg, May 8, 1759, 67; listed in orders given at Halifax Apr.30, 1759, 70; 28 Frasers sail in PRINCE FREDERICK to Quebec, 75; sight Newfoundland on 20 day voyage to Quebec, 76; among troops landed at Montmorency, July 1759, 81; rearguard for withdrawal from Beauport, 82; Frasers in 1st and 2nd landing for Battle of Quebec, 86; scale cliffs, 87, 88; commanded in battle by Capt. John Campbell, 88; use "Brown Bess" musket, 88; face French Reg'ts. Languedoc and Sarre, 89; use of broadswords, 89, 90; create havoc with dirks, 90; Fraser piper disgraced by absence at charge, 90; reason for heavy casualties, 90; Wolfe's body carried on stretcher made of Sgt. Donald Macleod's plaid, 92; escaping Chevalier de Johnstone chased by Frasers, 92; Fraser Sgt. depicted in Wolfe's monument in Westminster Abbey, 98; Ursuline nuns make woollen vests for, 98; Reg't. raises 6,000 guineas for Murray's loan appeal, 100; descend icy slopes of Quebec on bare behinds, 102; effect of cold on Frasers, 102; woollen hose knitted for, by nuns, 102; repossess two redoubts taken by Lévis' attacking forces, 103; expedition to capture Montreal, 110; good relations with habitants, 112; march to Place d'Armes after Montreal capitulation, 114; Sgt.Thompson's remarks on silver shoe buckles worn by 42nd Reg't. vs thongs used by Frasers, 115; in winter quarters southeast of Quebec, 116; Col. Simon Fraser's farewell to Reg't., 121; command assumed by Maj.John Campbell of Ballimore, 121; two companies of, sent with force to clear French out of Newfoundland, 1762, 121; lead successful expedition against French, 121; reg't. disbanded, 1763; list of N.C.O.'s and men disbanded in Canada, 123, 124; list of officers published by Hugh Gaine, 1760, 125-127; Petition of Col. Simon Fraser on behalf of himself and officers for land grants, 127, 128; land grants approved, 129; table of locations and descriptions of grants, 130, 131; Fraser veterans of 1759 campaign join Col. McLean to defend Quebec against American rebel forces, 134; Fraser veterans from Canada and Scotland recruited for 71st Reg't., 1776, 137-139; disbanded troops form militia under Col. McLean for defence of Quebec, 134; many join [84th] Royal Highland Emigrant Reg't., 137

Seventy-Eighth Regiment of Foot (Fraser Highlanders);  sends photo of Remington's painting on Plains of Abraham L77-05-27(Muskie);  suggests to Museum that  Remington painting is c.1900;  reminds JRH that Knötel print is of Keith's and Campbell's Regiment;  orderly book for Frasser's Reg't, 1762 with Nairne Papers at PAC Ottawa; gives reference to Fraser Papers at PAC; sends extract of orders  banning sale of "Spruce Beare";  includes Major Campbell's standing orders for discipline L78-04-26 (Forbes);  women's role in Regiment L78-04-28 (Harper); thanks Gordon McK. Booth for article on Old 78th Reg't. L83-01-24 (Harper)

Seventy-Eighth Reg't. of Foot, (Fraser Highlanders) - (Reraised Reg't.), commanded by Hon. Kim Fraser, xi; inspected by H.M. Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh at Expo '67; in P.E.I.; at Montreal Olympic Games, 1976, xi; in period uniform, xi; authentic equipment, xi; appearances in Canada and U.S.A., xi; sponsorship of, by Montreal Military and Maritime Museum, xi; recruits for, xi; part played by St. Andrew's Society of Montreal, xi; source of Fraser Highlanders history, xii; "second colour" reproduced for reraised reg't., 22; tartan for, authorized by Col. J. Ralph Harper, 36; reg't. raised by Col. J. Ralph Harper, 201, 202; reproductions of Brown Bess muskets used by, 199-200

Seventy-Eighth Reg't. of Foot, (Fraser Highlanders) - Equipment see EQUIPMENT (78th)

Seventy-Eighth Reg't. of Foot, (Fraser Highlanders) - Uniform see UNIFORM (78th)

Seventy-First Reg't. of Foot (Fraser Highlanders) - Reconstituted Regiment;  Lord Lovat invited to be  Honorary Colonel of, L75-02-10 (Barbour);  sends JRH copy of his letter accepting  to be Honorary Colonel of reg't. L75-02-17 (Lovat);   advises that reg't. will wear Government Tartan L75-05-10 (Forbes);  dilemma of lack of info. on uniform L76-02-18 (Forbes);  sends copy of Fosten print used as source for reg't. L76-03-08 (Forbes);  Forbes' Fosten print better than Knötel's L76-03-22 (Harper); asks if 78th reg't. bears any relationship to that of 71st in Baltimore L77-06-08 (Simpson) ; 

Seventy-First Reg't. of Foot (Fraser Highlanders), raised by Col. the Hon. Simon Fraser of Lovat, 1776, 138; equipment and uniform for, described, 139, 140; reg't. sails for New York, 1776, 139; equipment and uniform of, 139, 140; forced surrender in Boston Harbor, 140; to use distinguishing red feather in bonnets, 147; join Gen'l. Cornwallis' forces in Camden, S.C., 147; 1st instance of Highlanders running from enemy, 149; heavy losses [in battle of Cowpens], 150; skirmishes, sieges and battles during American Revolutionary War, 142-152; blame Tarleton for inept tactics, 149; losses at Yorktown, 152; taken prisoners, 152; disbanded in Scotland, 1783, 152):  suggests Col. John Cameron , commander of 92nd Highlanders at  Quatre Bras  descendant of John Campbell of Fassifern L72-06-11 (Hadley);  request for info. on regiment L76-02-04 (Nesbitt); information,  with section on reg't. in 2nd ed. F.H. sent for Nesbitt's criticism L76-03-03 (Harper);  refers Keith of Visalia, Cal. to 2nd ed. reseach done  hrough Huntington Library re 71st Reg't. L78-07-11 (Harper)

Seventy-Seventh Reg't. of Foot (Montgomerie Highlanders), reg't. raised, 1757, 15; renumbered from 63rd Reg't., 16; expedition against Ticonderoga and Crown Point, 59; two companies sent to Newfoundland to oust French, 121; reg't. disbanded, 1763, 122;  for proposed history of,  McIntosh requests copy of Thompson's Diary L73-02-24 (McIntosh);  refers McIntosh to A Short, authentic Acccount of the Expedition Against Quebec in 1759  by Thompson's son L73-03-05 (Harper);  copy of, requested  L73-07-17 (McIntosh); advises McIntosh Museum has obtained microfilm of Thompson's Diary and sends photocopies of Malcolm Fraser's journaal on Siege of Quebec L73-09-20 (Harper); assistance requested re research techniques for uniforms and history of reg't. L78-10-12 (Ugino);  would like to locate print of reg't.; asks for info. on arms issued L79-10-12 (Ugino);  sends Ugino info.requested L79-10-16 (Harper);  attempts to  locate portrait of Archibald Montgomerie who raised Montgomerie's Highlanders in 1757 L85-02-07 (Bolton);; replies received from Nat'l. Portrait Gallery of Scotland  L85-02-20 (Marshall); Scottish United Services Museum L85-02-21 (Boag)

Seventy-Third Regiment of Foot (Lord Macleod's Highlanders);  sends illustrated post card  of, L84-11-07 (Anderson)

Shaw, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company; JRH95 Sgt. marries French Canadian after disbandment, 123; disbanded in Canada, 125

Shaw, Allen Corporal; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company ; JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 123

Shaw, Hugh Pte.; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

Shaw, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

Shaw, Robert Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

SHIPS, BRITISH, CENTURION, 82; DUBLIN, 48; ENTERPRISE, 40; FALKLAND, 40; HALIFAX, 48; HAMPSHIRE, 47; HUNTER, 134; KENNINGTON, 48; LOWESTOFF, 92, 108, sunk, 109; MARTELLO, 41; NAMUR, flagship of Boscawen's fleet, 47; 58; NEPTUNE, 67; NORTHUMBERLAND, 107, 109; PRINCE FREDERICK, 75; PRINCESS AMELIA, 74; PROVINCE, 47; RACEHORSE, 102; RICHMOND, 82; ROYAL WILLIAM, 18, 94; RUSSELL, 82; STORK, 40; SURPRISE, 136; Sutherland, Flagship at Quebec, 86; THREE SISTERS, 82; TRENT, 82

SHIPS, FRENCH, VIGILANT, and Louisbourg, 47; L'AMITIÉ, l'ATTALANTE, LA MARIE, LA PIE, LA POMONE, LE SIOUX, all destroyed by Swanton, 109

Shirts (Uniform) see Uniform (78th)

Shoes (Uniform)   see   Uniform (78th) - shoes   see also under   Anecdotes

Simpson, Ann Pte.; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

Simpson, Robert:  last of Wolfe's soldiers d.Montreal 1835, aged 102. info. on, requested L78-04-12 (Gibbs);  suggests Simpson search land grant entries at PAC Ottawa L78-04-20 (Harper)

Simpson, Saunders, Provost Marshall; JRH95 cousin of Sgt.Thompson, 78

Simpson, Walter Pte.; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

Sinclair, Capt.; JRH95 Lieut.-Governor at Fort Michilimackinac, 159

Sinclair, Charles, (78th); JRH95 on Hugh Gaine's list, 126; land grant to, 128

Sinclair, James Sergeant; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

Sinclair, James, Sgt. (78th), (Capt. Alexander McLeod's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 125

Sinclair, James, Sgt. (78th); JRH95 prank played on, by Ballinagage, 120;

Sinclair, Lachlan Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

Sinclair, Mary Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

Sinclair, William, Lieut. (71st-1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 141

Sixteenth Fraser Fencibles Reg't. (Glengarry Fencibles), 1794-1802; JRH95 all Catholic Reg't., 163; disbanded, 163; most emigrate to Canada with land grants, 163; settle in County of Glengarry, Ont., 163

Sixtieth Reg't. of Foot (2nd Bn.) (The Royal Americans) (Moncton's Reg't.); serves under Wolfe at Quebec, 70, 76; to provide batt-man for engineers, 73; killed and wounded at Battle of Quebec, 99

Sixtieth Reg't. of Foot (3rd Bn.) (Lawrence's Reg't), serves under Wolfe at Quebec, 70, 76; killed and wounded at Quebec, 99

Sixty-Third Reg't. of Foot, (2nd Highland Bn. of Foot), renumbered in North America the 77th Reg't. of Foot (Montgomerie Highlanders) and 78th Reg't. of Foot (Fraser Highlanders), 15; composition of Reg't., 15

Skelly, Francis, Capt. (71st-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 141

Small, John, Major Commandant, (84th R.H.E. 2nd Bn.); JRH95 raises Bn. in Halifax, 137, 154, 155, commissioned 1775, 156

Smith, [Hervey], see Smyth

Smith, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

Smith, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

Smith, Duncan Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

Smith, James Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

Smith, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company; JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 124

Smith, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

Smith, John, Ensign, (84th R.H.E. 1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 1775, 155

Smith, Lauchlan, (78th); JRH95 marries French Canadian after disbandment, 123

Smyth, [Hervey], Capt. (Amherst's Reg't); JRH95 appointed Aide-de-Camp, Wolfe's Army, 70

Spittal, John, Major of Brigade; JRH95 serves under Wolfe, 70

Spontoon see Equipment

Sporran see Uniform (78th)

Spruce Beare [sic]  regimental order banning, May 11,1763 L78-04-26 (Forbes)

St. Andrew's Ball (1952):   Robert Pilot paintings for, L64-02-17 (Fraser, Marius)

Stanwix, John, Brigadier; JRH95 builds Fort Stanwix, ordered by Abercrombie, 1758, 60; 78th Frasers at, 60

Steele, Samuel:  info on,  sought re record of participation at Quebec Siege, 1759  L73-07-25 (Steele);  research assistance acknowledged  L73-09-19 (Steele)

Stevens, Philip, Sec'y. to the Lords of the Admiralty; JRH95 land grant to, Island of St.John, 129

Stewart, (the Hon.) CHARLES, Lieut.-Colonel, (71st), commands Grenadiers, 140

Stewart, Allan, of Invernaheil, Lieut. (78th); JRH95 commissioned, 1758, 67; on Hugh Gaine's list, 126;

Stewart, Allen Lieut; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

Stewart, Charles, Capt. (78th); JRH95 comments on Gen'l. Murray's ineptitude, 103, 104

Stewart, Charles, Lieut., (78th); JRH95 commissioned, 68; wounded at Ste. Foy, 105;

Stewart, David M.; JRH95 benefactor of reraised 78th Reg't. of Foot (Fraser Highlanders, 199

Stewart, George, Lieut. (71st-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 142

Stewart, John, Lieut.; JRH95 land grant to, island of St. John, 129

Stewart, Kenneth Ensign; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

Stewart, Kenneth, Ensign, (78th); JRH95 on Hugh Gaine's list, 126

Stewart, Lewis Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

Stewart, Robert; JRH95 land grant to, island of St. John, 129

Stewart, Walter M.; JRH95 benefactor of reraised 78th Reg't. of Foot (Fraser Highlanders), 199

Stewart, William Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

Stewart, William Pte.; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

Strachan, George Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

Strachan, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

Stratton, Alex., Lieut. (84th R.H.E. 1st Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 1775, 155

Stuart, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

Stuart, Allan, Ensign, (78th), commissioned, 1757, 67; land grant, 128

Stuart, Angus Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

Stuart, Ann Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

Stuart, Archibald Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company; JRH95  disbanded in Canada, 124

Stuart, Charles Lieut; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

Stuart, Charles, Lieut. (78th), on Hugh Gaine's list, 126; land grant to, 128

Stuart, Donald Sergeant; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

Stuart, Duncan Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company

Stuart, George Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

Stuart, John Drummer; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company; JRH95  disbanded in Canada, 125

Stuart, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company

Stuart, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

Stuart, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander McLeod's Company

Stuart, Kenneth, (78th), land grant to, 128

Stuart, Lewis, Corporal (78th), (Capt. Alexander Campbell's Co.), disbanded in Canada, 124

Stuart, Norman Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

Stuart, Peter Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company; JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 125

Stuart, Peter Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

Sumner, John Pte.       ; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company

Sumpter, [Thomas], (American) General; JRH95 commands road to Charleston, 148; dislodged by cavalry and Highlanders, 148, 149

Sutherland, Alex Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company

Sutherland, Alex Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

Sutherland, Alex Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

Sutherland, Alexander, (78th), marries French Canadian after disbandment, 123

Sutherland, Alexander, Lieut. (71st 2nd Bn.), commissioned, 142

Sutherland, Donald (78th), marries French Canadian after disbandment, 123

Sutherland, Donald Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company; JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 124

Sutherland, Donald Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

Sutherland, George Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

Sutherland, George Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company; JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 123

Sutherland, James Corporal; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

Sutherland, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company; JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 125

Sutherland, Sgt.; JRH95 prank played on, by Ballinagage, 120

Swanton, [Robert], Commodore; JRH95 commands "A" Squadron in relief of Quebec, 107; destroys French ships in St.Lawrence, 109

Sword Money;  information not yet found L74-11-17 (Buchanan)

Tarieu De La Naudiere see Lanaudiere, Charles François de

Tarleton, [Banastre], Colonel; JRH95 commands sortie to dislodge Gen'l. Sumpter near Charleston, 148; blamed for rout by American forces [at Cowpens], S.C., 149

Tartan and Sett; JRH95 controversy over Fraser tartan, 30; not government issue, 31; responsibility of each colonel, 31; Government Sett, standard "Black Watch", 32; "Black Watch" tartan not worn by 78th Fraser Highlanders, 32; "Black Watch" tartan worn by 71st Reg't., 32; opinion of W.A.Thorburn re tartan of 78th Reg't., 31; opinion of Lieut.-Col. Clendennin, 32; opinion of Haggart (Braemar), tartan manufacturers, 33; in Benjamin West painting Death of Wolfe, 33; weaving of, restricted, 33; patterning explained, 34; origin in Europe, 34;  article  The Great Tartan Myth and  painting A Pinch of Snuff  reference to L64-04-08 (Lawson);   discussion of makeup of Fraser of Reelig tartan L73-01-12 (Mackay);  will send photo  of Fraser tartan sett L73-01-18 (Mackay);  requests copy  of Haldane's  The Great Tartan Myth L76-11-03 (Bolton)

Tartan: JRH95 origin of word, 33; government permission needed to obtain, in 1757, 33; patterns for, 34; use in France, 34; cost affected by colours used in, determines class distinction, 34; first military use of, by Lowland Archers, 34; first Highlander military use precursors of the Black Watch, 34; influence of Gen'l. Wade on original Black Watch tartan, 24; description of, 34; known as Government Sett, 34; government regulation of, 1765, 35; popularity of tartans, according to Stewart, 35; repeal of Proscription Act, 1782, 35; tartan research by John and Charles Sobieski Stuart, 35, chief of clan sole authority for correct sett, 36; opinions about L64-01-23  (Stewart);  L64-01-29 (Hamilton);  no evidence to support depiction of in West's Death of Wolfe  painting L64-02-05 (Lawson);  offers opinion on and suggests  checking royal warrants and records in the Tower L64-02-06         (Foote);; refers  to  The Great Tartan Myth  and to Delacour's  paintingA Pinch of  Snuff L64-04-08 (Lawson);  requests help to undertand difference between tartan, plaid and kilt L64-07-31 (Pouliot);  concerned about Rolf-Clark-Stone illustration of, L64-09-01 (Harper); refers to info. rec'd. from J.Telfer Dunbar re 78th Reg't. tartan L64-09-16 (Lawson);  suggests possible tartan  coloring in Simon Fraser portrait in New Brunswick Museum (West);   discusses tartans L64-10-18 (Clendenin);  suggests to Hutchison of Black Watch, Montreal that 78th Frasers probably wore a Red Fraser  tartan L64-11-16  (Harper); reference source W.Carman's British Uniforms :65-02-12  (O'Brien);  lack of  authentic source for 78th Fraser tartan;  repudiates West's  painting of,  emphasizes use of Govenment Tartan L65-03-02 (Thorburn);  belted plaid vs. modern plaid ; removal of belt and entire plaid in battle L67-03-27 (Fraser, Robert);  possibility that Fraser tartan could have been obtained for officers and  pipers L67-08-12; (Maclennan);  Fraser tartan relic from Culloden L72-12-15  (Mackay);  Fraser of Reelig tartan, order for L72-12-15 (Mackay);  Fraser Culloden tartan worn by Charles Ian Fraser of Reelig; believed worn in Quebec; Mackay's  daughter to paint exact copy of Sett for JRH L73-01-11 (Mackay);  Macdonald of Clanranald  tartan at Culloden L73-01-11 (Mackay);  J.E.Macdonald & Co. would make Fraser of Reelig tartan for JRH;  sends example of piece of tartan L73-01-12 (Mackay); sends painting of Culloden tartan by his daughter L73-01-12 (Mackay); tartan  probably worn at Quebec by Thomas Fraser of Struy L73-01-18 (Mackay);  request for history of sample of Fraser tartan  from Mackay to J.E.Macdonald & Co. L73-01-31 (Harper);  sends Mackay photocopies of Highlanders in uniform from  Grant's Highland Military DisciplineL73-03-28 (Harper);  Query to Toronto  Reference Library re watercolour print  of L74-01-06 (Hale);  comment on piece of ancient Fraser tartan L74-11-17 (Mackay);  discusses Mackay's piece of tartan and  JRH's request to tartan weaver L74-11-18 (Harper); returns Mackay's photo of  Fraser Quebec Tartan L74-11-21 (Harper);  discusses Culloden Quebec Tartan L74-11-23 (Mackay);  asks Mackay for further info. on two tartans L74-12-09 (Harper);  color of tartan noted in Chateau Ramesay painting of Frasers L75-01-14 (Harper);;  section on  tartan for 2nd ed. F.H.sent to Mackay for criticism L75-02-07 (Harper);   approval of tartan section, 2nd ed.; comments on Sobieski Stuart's  research;  owns piece of  Old Chisholm tartan L75-02-14 (Mackay);  informs Lovat that Frasers to be equipped with Ancient Fraser tartan L75-03-03 (Harper);  informs  Mackay that  Ancient Fraser  tartan to be woven by Peter McArthur & Co. L75-03-11 (Harper); orders The Setts of the Scottish Tartan  L75-03-25 (Harper)  use of military   tartan by Lowland  reg't. c.1700 and use of   breachan by Celts in Europe L75-06-26  (McPhee);  discusses tartan history in detail with McPhee L75-07-16 (Harper); reference sources in Connecticut sugested L75-08-15 (Senior);  believes Conn. source could be solution  for tartan research L75-08-20 (Harper);  Northcliffe collection at PAC Ottawa and Amherst Papers material sent  to JRH  L75-10-17 (Senior);  casualty  figures in Northcliffe papers useful L75-10-31 (Harper);  thanks JRH for new piece of "old" tartan; relates story of Culloden Fraser of Struy tartan piece L76-01-12  (Mackay);  correction to tartan thanks to Mackay L76-02-23 (Harper);  requests  Bolton to send JRH   pieces of orange and  red Fraser regimental tartan for registration at Scottish Tartan Society L76-10-26 (Harper);  re order for Fraser  tartan  L80-04-11 (Peter McArthur & Co.);  no tartan issued to Highland regiments but  bought by Colonels from suppliers;  colonels  instructed on general . design and  authorized to purchase;  supply of tartans was bet. colonels and makers;  regimental tartan never subject of special warrant L76-11-22 (Harper, R.W.E.); comments on  Thorburn's change in attitude re Government Tartan L76-12-03 (Harper);  encloses order for tartan for MMMM L78-03-23 (Peter MacArthur & Co.);  tells Chartrand price paid for Cpt. Thos. Fraser's plaid and authenticity verified L83-08-10 (Harper); asserts belief that 78th plaid was that of Fraser of Struy L83-08-10 (Harpeer); corrects mistaken assumption by Donelly of Agincourt re regimental tartan L80-06-11  (Harper);  uses Upton's A Breachan Feild in DespatchL82-05-20 (Bolton);  remarks  on Upton's article L82-08-30 (Harper);  thanks Ensign Pinnell for photo of Fraser Highlanders returning from wood foraging expedition by  19th cent. artist  J. H. McNaughton L96-04-01 (Bolton); see also FRASER TARTAN, also TARTAN AND SETT

Tavish, James Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Ranald McDonell's Company

Tawse, Thomas, Lieut. (71st-1st Bn.), commissioned, killed at Savannah, 146

Taylor, James Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

Thirty-Fifth Reg't. of Foot (Otway's Reg't.), serves under Wolfe at Quebec, 70; to provide batt-man for engineers, 73; in Quebec expedition, 75; in 2nd landing for Quebec battle, 86; men killed and wounded in battle, 99

Thompson, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Colonel's Company

Thompson, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

Thompson, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company

Thompson, George Sergeant; RL 1763 Major John Campbell's Company; JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 124

Thompson, James (Sgt.) (78th Reg't Capt. John McDonell's Co.);  location of dirk, masonic apron and jewel L64-01-20 (Milborne);  obit L68-04-04 (Chaplin); source of diary in Quebec L73-02-06 (Bolton);  diary at Quebec Archives L73-02-13 (Parkes); seeks permission to exmine diary L73-02-19 (Bolton);  microfilm of diary available L73-02-23 (Archives du Québec);  PAC Ottawa sends details on availability of microcilm of diary L73-11-30 (PAC); confirms Thompson's broadsword at Can. War              Museum L77-10-06 (Malott);  relevant Thompson anecdotes sent to Fort  Louisbourg L77-10-07 (Bolton); thanks Bolton for anecdotes L77-10-24 (Balcom);sends Balcom  source of anecdotes  L77-11-02 (Bolton);  sends Richardson of Ottawa  photo and notes on Thompson L80-02-14 (Harper); appreciates photo of Thompson for use in his book L80-03-01 (Richardson);  needs source  of  Masonic brochure containing Thompson photo for his book L80-11-02 (Richardson);  sends source to Richardson L80-12-01 (Harper)

Thompson, James Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

Thompson, James, of Tain, Ross-shire, 1732-1830; JRH95 source of Fraser Highlanders history, xi; biographical notes, xii-xiii; appointed Superintendent of Military Works by Gen'l. Murray, xii; reference to Thompson's diary and notes transcribed by his son, xii; appointed Deputy Commissary Gen'l. in Quebec, xiii-xiii; marriage of, 1780, xii; careers of his sons, xii-xiii; Deputy Grand Master of Free Masons in Canada, xiii; aids Earl of Dalhousie to lay foundation stone for original Wolfe-Montcalm monument, xiii, as only survivor of Quebec battle, xiii; manuscript of diary in Quebec Archives, xiii; microfilm of diary at Montreal Military and Maritime Museum, xiii; disposition of diary by Literary and Historical Society of Quebec and Public Archives, 18; volunteers to serve in North America under Capt. Charles Baillie, 18; dispute over pay scale for his services, 18, 19; 78th Reg'ts. uniform, 20; feather in bonnet disputed (1960's), 20, 21; en route for overseas service by way of Ireland, 37; route march through Ireland and hospitality of Irish, 33, 38; impressed by favourable rate of money exchange, 39; helps Highlanders fight house fire, 38, 39; gratitude of neighborhood, 39; walks 64 miles from Dublin to Cork in one day, 39; Highland Ball, 40; at Louisbourg, describes landing and death of Capt. Charles Baillie, 49; use of plaids to fill bullet holes in boat, 49; events at Louisbourg, 50, 51; incredible marksmanship of Highlander from boat, 50; small group of Highlanders take French prisoners, 50; Duncan McFee and the incident of the French officer's sword, 51, 52; Duncan McFee on sentry duty in water on a rising tide, 53; Duncan McFee's response to Wolfe on escape of French frigate, 53; Duncan McFee shadows Wolfe against orders, 54; Duncan McFee appointed Wolfe's orderly, 54; Duncan McFee's illiteracy causes problems for his captain, 54; Sgt.Thompson ordered confined to quarters in McFee affair, 54, 55; refuses to accept order of a subordinate, 55; leaves confinement to join Frasers near French garrison, 55; bravery of McPherson in removing fuze from shell, 56; Wolfe solicitous of Thompson's health, 57; Thompson lends dirk to Sgt. Fraser resulting in the murder of McKee, 62; for lack of a copper, Fraser drummer John Wilkie reported to Gen'l. Amherst, 63; overreaction by Col.Fraser results in Wilkie's punishment and being drummed out of Reg't., 63; Amherst's encounter with the disgraced Wilkie leads to his employment as Amherst's personal servant, 63; Thompson shares billet with Col. Fraser en route to Fort Stanwix, 64; is billeted in Stratford with Thomas Ivers, 64; Ivers offers daughter in marriage to Thompson, 64; account of ambush at Pointe Lévis, 77; Maj. Irvin assumes command to restore order to troops, 78; Ranger Corps commander Montgomerie's slaughter of Canadians at Ange Gardien, 81; Wolfe's displeasure with Montgomerie, 81; account of events to withdrawal to Ile d'Orléans, 82; Lieut. Peyton's encounter with Indians though wounded, 83; Sgt. Cameron 's life-saving care of Peyton, 83, 84; comments on effectiveness of broadsword, 90; the "Missing Piper ostracized, 90; describes French casualties, spoils his red coat in carrying one to hospital, 91; transfer of Wolfe's body to ROYAL WILLIAM, 94; first winter in Quebec, 97; Fraser Highlanders response to loan subscription, 100; MacDonald's successful attack on St. Augustin, Mar. 1760, 101; defends his familiarity with private soldiers,  100, Moses Hazen's markmanship, 104; disgraced piper's action and reinstatement, 103; mistakes some French soldiers for Free Masons, 105; raising of siege at Quebec cause for celebration, 108; effect of on French, 108; McPherson disarms French officer at fencing near Sorel, 111; describes landing near Montreal, 112; courteous treatment of French by British, 112; visits Black Watch Highlanders in Montreal, 114, 115; visit by former drummer Wilkie, 114; account of kind treatment of Black Watch prisoners by (Scottish) French officer Col. Ross, 115; Thompson's experience as paymaster, 117, 118; obtains dispensation for landlady to serve meat, 119; indulgence payment to Catholic Church, 119; Quakers' gift of gray woollen cloth for Highlanders, 119; anecdotes of pranks played on Thompson and others, 120; at age 90, Thompson recollects Montgomery's attack on Quebec, 1775, 136

Thompson, James, Sgt., (78th), (Capt. John McDonell's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 124

Thompson, William, Soldier, (78th), (Capt. John Nairn's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 124

Thomson, George Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

Thorburn, W.A., Keeper of the United Services in Edinburgh (1960's, 1970's); JRH95 comments on difficulties in ascertaining exact dress regulations for regiments, including Fraser Highlanders, 31, 32

Tolmie, Alexander Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John MacDonell's Company

Tonge, [Winckworth], Lieut.; JRH95 serves as engineer under Wolfe at Quebec, 70

Tosh, Donald McBEAN, Lieut. (78th); JRH95 commissioned, 17

Townshend, George, Hon. Brigadier General, appointed 1759, 70; brigade of, at Quebec, 70; builds fortifications at Ile d'Orléans, 79; commands troops in 2nd landing for Quebec battle, 86; assumes command following Wolfe's death, 92; assures nuns at General Hospital of their safety, 94; receives keys of surrender from Ramezay, 97; returns to England with Saunders, Oct. 1759, 98; land grant to, island of St. John, 129; Townshend Papers:  source sought L73-11-23 (Bolton)

Trews see Uniform (78th)

Trotter, Mure, (78th), (Capt. John Fraser's Co.); JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 124

Tulloch, Hugh Sergeant; RL 1763 Major James Abercrombie's Company; JRH95  disbanded in Canada, 123

Turnbull, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

Turner, John Pte.; RL 1763  Captain Hugh Fraser's Company

Twenty-Eighth Regiment of Foot (Bragg's Reg't.), serves under Wolfe at Quebec, 70; in Wolfe's final orders, 72; to provide batt-man for engineers, 73; in Quebec expedition, 75; in 1st landing for Quebec battle, 86; number killed and wounded in battle, 99; reg't. disbanded, 1763, 122

Twenty-Ninth Regiment of Foot, reinforcements of, arrive from England for Carleton's defence of Quebec, 1776, 136

Twenty-Second Regiment of Foot (Louisbourg Grenadiers), (Whitmore's Reg't.); JRH95 Grenadier company of, serves at Quebec, 70, 76, 88; killed and wounded in battle, 99 Info. sought on sources for Regimental Colours L74-04-10 (Rigby);   suggests sources of Info. to Rigby L74-05-01 (Harper)

Uniform  (78th) - Reconstructed Regiment:  suggestion re wearing of ceinture flechée L77-11-14 (Oborne);  disapproval of idea L77-12-07 (Harper);  sends sketch of  proposed Quebec Uniform L80-09-09 (Hale);  suggests Hale "mark time" on proposed uniform L80-09-19 (Harper);  details of proposed officer's coat and waistcoat  for 78th, sketches enclosed L84-06-01 (Upton);  sends sketches of proposed Fraser uniform based on Anderson drawings L84-11-07 (Bolton);  discusses details of uniform and makes suggestions L85-04-19 (Harper)

Uniform (42nd):  bearskin in bonnets of c.1758 shown in JAHR; L64-07-30 (Lawson); Can. Black Watch to dress Co. in Fraser uniform for Centennial 1967  L65-01-02 (Harper);; Thanks Mackay for sending photocopies of prints by Müller L73-03-28 (Harper);   Refers to Müller prints of Black Watch L73-04-02 (Mackay); offer of  Bowles' prints of, in 1743 L74-12-11(Mackay);  reasons for difference between   uniform of 84th and 42nd Regt's L75-04-09 (Chartrand);  samples and illustrations of  regimental buttons L96-12-31 (Petrovitch).

Uniform (71st)  discusses info. on uniform L64-04-22 (Whitford);  identifies photocopies  of Lawson's uniform sketches as  portraits of  specific ofiicers of 71st Reg't L64-05-07 (Stewart);  discusses uniform of 71st Reg't. L64-05-10 (Whitford);  refers to confusion of Fraser tartan  with that worn by 71st Reg't. L64-09-09 (Harper);; reference to WO records for 71st uniform facings L64-10-18 (Clendenin);  sends info.on 71st  Reg't. uniforms L75-04-09 (Chartrand);  discusses details of uniform in letter to Chartrand L75-04-15 (Harper);  sample of buttons and illustrations and bonnet badge for 71st Reg't. uniform sent L96-12-31 (Petrovitch)

UNIFORM (78th). Belt, leather 24; Bonnets, 20, 22-23; Buttons, 23, 29; Breachan (belted plaid) see Plaid; Facings see Jackets, also under Drummers; Feathers see Bonnets; getting dressed in, 24; Hairdressing, officers, other ranks, 29; clubbed hair saves Col. Simon's life at Quebec battle, 29; Hose, 25; Jackets, 23, 24; Kilt, short see Plaid; Lace see Jackets, also under Drummers; Neckcloth, 24; Philibeg see Plaid; Plaid - cost of, 24; as uniform, 24; as blanket, 24; as raincoat, 24; as protection for musket, 24; to hold rations, 24; to plug musket shot holes in boats, 49; Sett - see under Tartan and Sett; Shoes, Sgt. Thompson's reference to use of thongs with instead of buckles, 115; Sporran, 25; Tartan and Sett, 30-36; Trews, rejected by 78th Reg't., 21; Waistcoats, 23; wigs see Hairdressing ;discusses in detail uniform of 78th within limitations of available  info.L63-10-19 (Clendenin);   twenty leading authorities consulted   re 78th  uniform  and favoured opinions concerning it;  lists references in JAHR  L64-01-23 (Stewart); dilemma of details 78th uniform L64-01-28 (Thorburn);  cites opinion by Clendenin, Thorburn and Dunbar  that Frasers wore Gov't. tartan L64-01-29 (Hamilton); opinion on 78th uniform L64-02-04 (Thorburn);  comments on details in Rolf-Clark-Stone  illustration of 78th uniform L64-02-16 (Clendenin);  requests info. re Fraser uniform  for sketches to be sent later L64-03-07 (Lawson);   sends sketches of  Highlander uniform, refers to article and painting  showing non-gov't. tartan  L64-04-08 (Lawson);  will send copy of 78th Reg't. uniform sketches in New Brunswick Museum L64-04-14 (MacBeath);; refers to Clendenin's interpretation of 78th uniform; repudiates West's version L64-04-22 (Stewart);  refers to facings on 78th uniform L64-04-22 (Whitford);  mentions 78th uniform and West's painting L64-04-29 (Stewart);  reference to Carman's  British Military Uniformsas source for 78th uniform facings; quotes Lawson on uniform  L64-05-07 (Whitford);   discusses  facings on 78th uniform L64-05-11 (Harper);  discusses flat bonnet  without dicing for  78th uniform  L64-07-30 (Lawson);; advises  Charles Stewart their calendar to depict 78th Fraser Highlander  L64-08-25 (Rolf-Clark-Stone);  concerned  about errors in Rolf-Clark-Stone depiction of Fraser Highlander L64-08-28 (Stewart); expresses concern about R-C-S depiction;   his discussion with Lawson re Fraser tartan; L64-09-01 (Harper);   refers to controversy over Tom McNeely's Fraser  Highlander print and other uncertain references by Barnes, Dunbar, Ross Robertson and others L64-09-03 (Stewart, Walter);   Discusses Stewart's concerns over Fraser uniform controversy L64-09-09 (Harper);   no info. on 78th uniform but suggests type of buttons probably used for officers and men L64-09-22 (Edmonds);  requests any info. on 78th Fraser Reg't. for  JRH L64-09-25 (Giles);  criticizes interpretation of 78th Fraser uniform depicted in photos L64-09-27 (Clendenin);  will send Fraser  photo to  Dunbar L64-10-08 (Lawson); says that Fraser uniform depiction  based on interpretation  rather than authority L64-10-13 (Dunbar);   takes issue with  Sgt. Thompson's ref. to eagle feathers and sporrans;  comments on our 6'3" Fraser L64-10-18 (Clendenin);  remarks on paucity of info. for 78th Reg't. L64-10-26 (Harper);requests info. on JRH research  re Fraser uniform for Black Watch Museum Scotland L64-11-13 (Hutchison); suggests to Hutchison that 78th wore tartan similar to that of Red Fraser L64-11-16 (Harper}; re dress of 78th in America during Seven Years' War will attempt sketch of probable uniform; refers to Short engraving  with two Fraser Highlanders depicted; thinks tartan probably  Gov't. Black Watch L65-03-16 (Neave-Hill);  fire destruction at PRO in  London, in "sealed pattern"  rooms makes impossible accurate description of uniforms of 1757-63  Godfrey  sends extract from Lawson's book on uniforms and other reference sources  L65-06-15 (Godfrey);  sends photo of An Officer and sergeant of a Highland Regiment  L66-01-17 (Lape);  confirms buff facings for Fraser uniform L66-08-08 (Clendenin);  suggests to Clendenin sources for research on uniforms L66-09-21 (Harper); seeks photos of contemporary drawings of 78th Reg't. L72-10-01  (Embleton);  sends info. to Embleton L72-10-10 (Harper);  reference to 78th  uniform in Short's engraving  L74-11-24 (Hale);  Short engraving photographed with blowup of Fraser Highlanders L74-12-09 (Hale);  authenticity of Fraser uniform in Chateau Ramesay painting suspect  L75-01-14 (Harper); disputes coorrectness of  Company of Military Historians print L75-04-09 (Chartrand); refers to info. on uniform in letter to Chartrand L75-04-15 (Harper);  ref. to Short's and Knötel's prints;  Fred Ray, artist  for  Company of Military Historians  print L75-04-21 (Chartrand);  Mackay corrects  errors in uniform L76-02-23  (Harper); sketch of uniform sent to JRH   L76-06-16 (Suthren);  alterations to uniform suggested to Suthren   L76-06-22 (Harper);  info. on uniform from Scottish United Services Museum L76-07-23 (Thorburn); questions on uniform raised by researchers at OMMC L76-08-10 (Bolton);  requests info. from  Toronto Reference Library on artist of watercolor depicting 78th Fraser L76-11-11  (Bolton);  asks British Museum if any of their Short engravings coloured L76-11-12 (Bolton);  Toronto Reference Library cannot guarantee authenticity of uniform details in print L76-11-18 (Toronto Reference Library);   asks Anderson to attempt drawing  of 78th Fraser 1757-63 L76-12-06 (Harper);  sends Anderson sketches and info. for 78th Fraser drawing L76-12-23; (Harper);  print in Company. of Military Historians  Journal  deplored L78-04-28 (Harper);  sends Bolton address of American source for shoes, in Massachusetts L79-03-25 (Upton);  reference to buttons on  jacket and on waistcoat, 150's L79-09-20 (Hale);  criticism of Upton's article for Despatch;  makes suggestions for revision L82-08-30 (Harper);  requests Upton to send replacement  Fraser coat pattern ;  sends sample of red serge L85-01-22 (Bolton);  sends requested sketches and details reference sources; sends cloth sample; L85-01-28 (Upton);  sends thanks for help with bonnets and hose from Fraser Highlander uniform L85-02-26 (Embleton);  asks Embleton of Swiss Institute of Arms and Armor has any pictures of Highland uniform for regiment raised for Seven Years' War L85-08-26 (Bolton); suggests Gov't. tartan as choice for 78th uniform L85-09-10 (Embleton)

Uniform (84th):  queries Malcolm Fraser uniform coat at McCord L64-04-22 Stewart); sends photocopy of plate and date on 84th RHE L64-04-29 (Stewart);  discusses Malcolm Fraser uniform L64-05-11 (Harper);  describes Malcolm Fraser's RHE coat L64-11-12 (Harper; requests info on RHE uniform for Society of King  George III Highlanders L71-05-25 (Claydon);; sends info. to Claydon L71-06-08 (Harper); reasons for difference in uniforms of 84th and 42nd Reg'ts. L75-04-09 (Chartrand); discusses uniform details in lettter to Chartrand L75-04-13 (Harper);  print by McBarron in Military Collector and Historian L75-04-21 (Chartrand);  sends sketch of  84th Highlander L76-05-18 (Suthren);  thanks Suthren for sketch L76-05-25 (Harper); thanks  Anderson for pen drawing of officer c.1780  L76-12-06 (Harper);  sends copy of drawing to Melville L76-12-06;  puzzled by contradictionsin photo of 84th coat L76-12-16 (Anderson);  asks Bolton to obtain details on 84th  RHE coat at McCord L76-12-23 (Harper);  Upton's sketches for shoe buckle details, and sash for 84th RHE Reg't. attached to L85-04-19 (Harper);  samples of buttons  and illustrations of them for 84th uniform L96-12-31 (Petrovitch)

Uniform (General)  Sausage Roll indicating rank of corporal L73-01-12 (Mackay);  Cath -Dath - Battle Colour:  in old Highland regiments red and white hose; Knötel  prints  most accurate portrayals L73-02-05 (Mackay);  Caddis  misnomer for  Cath-Dath - Battle-Colour L73-02-05 (Mackay);  prints of piper, field officer and NCO L73-04-02 (Mackay);  Highlanders use of Sausage Rolls L75-02-14 (Mackay)  should always add words  Battle-Colour after Cath-Dath as explanation to mean Battle Hose L75-04-03 (Mackay);  quotes orders  on dress in new book  L75-04-21 (Chartrand); replies to Carroon re details for pompoms on bonnets L76-01-14 (Harper); Personal Note on Highland Military Hose by Upton emphasizes that hose cut from cloth, not knitted L82-03-31 (Upton); Upton's  sketches for buckles and  crossbelts mid 18th cent. attached to copy of letter to  Upton L85-04-19 (Harper);  use of flask cords  by regiments as cited by Money-Barnes in Military Uniforms of Britain and the Empire L66-10-07 (Harper)

Uniform, Militia:  sends info. on militia uniforms in Chateau Ramesay collection and lack of info. on de Salaberry's role in British  Militia L64-09-10 (Stewart); sends info. on John Sanfield Macdonald (Glengarry Militia,1842)  L64-09-25 (Stewart) acknowledges photos of militia uniforms L64-10-08 (Lawson);

Uniforms, Scottish  Infantry:  thanks JRH for info. on available  sources in USA  L66-12-10 (Clendenin);  reference to uniform details and bonnets L78-01-02  (Mackay)

Upper Canada Land Petitions:  tells Benoit Cameron seach of, does not reveal a Thomas Cameron L86-11-14 (Bolton);  requests PAC Ottawa to send new legible copy  of Petition L86-11-17 (Bolton)

Ursuline Convent; JRH95 original shirt worn by Murray in museum of, 24; damaged in bombardment, 85; burial place of Montcalm, 93; nuns make woollen vests for Highlanders, 98; knit woollen hose for Frasers, 102;

Vaudreuil-Cavagnal, [Pierre François De Rigaud, Marquis] de; JRH95 last French governor of Canada, 93; plans suggested by Montcalm to save Canada from British, 93; retreats from Quebec, 93; drafts articles of capitulation of Montreal, 113; signs capitulation, 113; leaves Montreal for France, 114

Vergor, Capt. (French officer), see Dupont Duchambon de Vergor

Victualling Rolls   see    Rolls, Regimental

Waistcoats see Uniform

Walker, Donald Pte.; RL 1763  Captain John Nairne's Company

Walkinshaw, John Crawford, Capt. Lieut., (78th); JRH95 commissioned 1757, 16

Walsh, Hunt, Colonel, (28th Reg't. of Foot), Land grant to, island of St. Jean, 129

War Office, London:  ignorant of regimental clothing until first inspection and  inspection returns received L76-11-22 (Harper, R.W.E.)

Warburton's Regiment see Forty-Fifth Regiment of Foot

Warrants, Royal:  discusses his use of warrants for commission as source of officers' roll L64-11-12 (Harper); discusses role of warrants in army, clothing , pay, arrangements; suggests research sources for, L64-02-06 (Forbes); refers to original warrants for commissions L65-01-22 (Harper);  advises Chartrand he has warrant for arms January 1757;  thanks Chartrand for warrant for arms July 21,1757 L75-04-25 (Harper);  Info. from Thorburn that Royal Warrants were authorization for clothing not an instrument  of issue L76-11-22 (Harper, R.W.E.);  sends Bolton info. on warrants of 1768  L78-12-07 (Suthren);

Washington, [George], General; JRH95 advised by Colonel Maitland that 71st Reg't. of Highlanders to wear red feather in bonnets, to distinguish them in battle, 147; confronts Cornwallis' troops at Yorktown, 151

Wass, Agnes Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

Wass, Nicholas Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

Waters, John Pte.; RL 1763 Captain John Fraser's Company

Watson, John Drummer; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

Watson, John Sergeant; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company; JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 124

Watson, William Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company; JRH95  Sgt. marries French Canadian after disbandment, 123; disbanded in Canada, 125

Waugh, Gilbert, Ensign (71st-2nd Bn.); JRH95 commissioned, 142

Wayne, [Anthony], General; JRH95 takes posts at Stony Creek, N.Y. held by 71st Grenadiers, 147

Webb's Regiment see Forty-Eighth Regiment of Foot

Weir, Duncan Sergeant; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company; JRH95 disbanded in Canada, 124

Wendal, Capt.; JRH95 at Fort Stanwix, 65

West, Benjamin: references to painting Death of Wolfe  relating to tartan in the following letters:  L64-01-29 (Hamilton)L64-02-04 (Thorburn); L64-02-05 (Lawson); L64-04-22 (Stewart, Charles)L64-04-29 (Stewart, Charles); L64-05-07 (Whitford); L64-08-15 (Harper, R.W.E.);  L64-09-03 (Stewart, Walter); L65-03-02 (Thorburn); L65-03-16 (Neave Hill); sends copies of articles on painting L80-07-17 (Lord);detailed commentary on Highland uniform in painting, also sends sketch of bonnet L82-03-31 (Upton)

Whitmore, Brigadier; JRH95 appointed Governor at Louisbourg, 58

Whitmore's Reg't. (Louisbourg Grenadiers) see Twenty-Second Reg't. of Foot

Wigs see Uniform (78th)

Wilkie, John, Drummer (78th); JRH95 drummed out of Frasers after Amherst's complaint to Col. Simon Fraser, 63; engaged as Amherst's bodyguard, 63; visits Sgt. Thompson in Montreal after capitulation, 114

Williamson, Capt.-Lieut., serves under Wolfe in Quebec, 70

Williamson, Donald Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Cameron's Company

Williamson, William Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Hugh Montgomerie's Company

Wilson, Robert Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Alexander Campbell's Company

Wolfe, James, (Brigadier); JRH95 spares life of Charles Fraser of Inverallochie at Culloden, 9; Fraser Highlanders drilled under his direction for Louisbourg expedition, 48, 49; arrival at Louisbourg, 1758, 48; intrigued by Duncan McFee's sense of duty, 53, 54; appoints McFee his orderly, 54; jealousy in army over his appointment as Commander, 56; dedication of his Highland soldiers, 57; winters in England, 1758, 58; returns to Halifax, 1758, 69; commends Highland soldiers, 14, 52, 53, 56, 57; Nicknames for, 53, 69; appoints Murray, Townshend and Monckton Brigadiers and Col. Guy Carleton Quarter Master General, 70; orders of, in preparation for expedition against Quebec Apr. 30, 1759, 70-72; final orders May 17, 1759, 72, 73; Pitts campaign plan for, to capture Canada, 74; sails in Saunders flagship to Quebec, 75; orders given at Pointe Lévis, July 6, 1759, 79; wounded aboard transport RUSSELL, 82; criticizes Grenadiers at Beauport, 84; last letter to his mother, 84; tactics preceding assault on Quebec, 85; studies path suggested by Capt. Simon Fraser for ascent to Plains of Abraham, 86; writes complicated orders for battle plans, 86; orders embarcation for battle, 86; questions ability of troops to scale cliffs, 87; wounded, 89; issues final orders, 91, 91; mortally wounded, 91, 92; body put on board, LOWESTOFF, 92; transferred to ROYAL WILLIAM, 94; buried in Greenwich, 98; monument to, in Westminster Abbey, 98

Wolfe's  Orders;  copy owned by Mackay L72-11-10 (Mackay);  copy of requested by JRH L72-11-17 (Harper); to send copy for use in 2nd ed. F.H.  L72-11-23 (Mackay); copy sent L72-12-15 (Mackay);  acknowledges receipt  L73-01-03 (Harper);  hopesOrders included in 2nd ed. F.H. L74-11-14 (Mackay);  thanks JRH for copy of Orders L74-11-14(Buchanan);  sends Mackay review pages of 2nd ed. F.H.containing Orders  L74-11-21 (Harper);  gives reason for having to type rather than reproduce  Orders in 2nd ed. F.H.;  Abertarff possession of,L75-03-20 (Mackay);  copy offered by Mackayshould be kept  where Regiment raised L76-09-21 (Harper)

Women in 78th Regiment, role of   see   Seventy-Eighth Regiment of Foot (Fraser Highlanders) - women

Women; JRH95 provisions for, in Quebec expedition, 73

Wood, Alexander, Capt., (78th); JRH95 land grant to, 128

Wright, James Pte.; RL 1763 Captain Archibald Campbell's Company

Photos of 78th Frasers